Uk cheese 375w enviro grow


Well-Known Member
sure mate... no worries what ever u think best.. but i can clone some in perlite and water then will just be roots no soil??? and u could just clone in sponge for me that will be ok.. or rock wool?? i could even try doing it in sponge for ya.. whatever mate
cool. i'm leaning toward rockwool myself but as i said when we spoke, i'm having hard time finding non transparent tubs for my dwc. we'll work something out. i'm at least 2 weeks off from being able to take a decent sized clone yet.


Well-Known Member
cool. i'm leaning toward rockwool myself but as i said when we spoke, i'm having hard time finding non transparent tubs for my dwc. we'll work something out. i'm at least 2 weeks off from being able to take a decent sized clone yet.

Its all good mate.. no rush.. good to know they coming thats all ;)


Well-Known Member
Nice one. glad u think so mate... doing much better than my last grow for sure.. got an issue with the bushy bagseed as quite light in colour and after i fed it didnt seem to change.. i know its not nute burn but its been fed too.. gonna try 50/50 veg/flores feed on it with some epsoms and a tiny tiny drop of superthrive...
most definitly, each grow always surpasses the previous one :bigjoint:
by light in color do u mean the leaves are turning a lighter green or yellowish? if so then it could just be a Nitrogen deficiency or Chlorosis. im not sure using epsoms will help unless the soils ph is fucked and the plant cant get its nutrients bt other than that maybe just flushing her would solve the problem?


Well-Known Member
Looking good there UF :-)

Re posting clones, we have found that 2 methods worked well in the past. 1 (Unrooted fresh cuts) . take the cuts, dip in clonex or whatever then just wrap the stem in wet kitchen roll and then wrap again in cling film. Into CD case and away :-) 2. (Rooted cuts) Root in 'Root Riot' cubes, they are incredible and can be transplanted into any medium, soil or hydro and again a CD type case holds them perfectly.. ...hope this helps, breaks my heart but since being busted I'm reluctant to keep cuttings any more....... every single one of those little 4" cuts counted towards the total 'plant count'....crazy!

*edit* Epsoms are very good if used foliarly. For a genuine MG deficiency epsoms will green up a plant within 24 hours this way.


Well-Known Member
3 Weeks into flower now :)
yeah they're looking nice. btw are these the original exodus cheese?

i'm off to shop tomorrow to by a propagator and some rockwool. both the blue cheese and bag seed are sprouting forth and i reckon will be good for taking a couple of clones each back end of next week.


Well-Known Member
yeah they're looking nice. btw are these the original exodus cheese?

i'm off to shop tomorrow to by a propagator and some rockwool. both the blue cheese and bag seed are sprouting forth and i reckon will be good for taking a couple of clones each back end of next week.

Yes mate it sure is the original :) ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi all... had a problem with this plant for nearly 2 weeks in all i guess... i have 3 plants in flower at the moment.. 2 uk cheese from clones and a bagseed.. Now the cheese is fine but the badseed just seems to be yellowing and 2 days ago i transplanted into fresh pot as i know the problem is not over feeding or ph.. also the soil is the same for the cheese but they are fine! When i transplanted i flushed and gave very mild nutes with more n and epsoms..

To me it just looks like lack of n... so should i give it a stronger dose..?? new growth seems ok.. and maybe 2 days is not enough to see much change??



Well-Known Member
nitrogen deficiency.......
try and get ur hands on something that'll just giv ur plant more nitrogen than its usually getting bt in a good small slow amount at a time, by increasing the nute doasge u gonna overload it with all those other nutes that are in ther not just N

mr west

Well-Known Member
Im 7 weeks into flower with exodus cheese longside ghs cheese and big buddah cheese. I got loadsa yellow leafs lol. Yours lookin nice. Gotta do more next time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mr west... got few in veg and took few clones too. Will be adding 2 warlocks that going into flower this week so i get harvest every 4 weeks. Kinda. Will be putting in more cheese 5 weeks time. What one me the cheeses your growing is like the orig? Cos you growing a few. Cheese master. Lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
the exodus cheese is the real deal yeah, smells fantastic. The next few weeks is gonna be so hard. thers plenty of pics in my thread in my sig if ya fancy a butchers.


Well-Known Member
the exodus cheese is the real deal yeah, smells fantastic. The next few weeks is gonna be so hard. thers plenty of pics in my thread in my sig if ya fancy a butchers.
The cheese looks fantastic mate i must say. Wish i could yield that amount. Will veg my cheese even more i think this time with to get few more bud sites. No idea what i will yield with mine but i be happy with 2 oz off all 3 but one is not uk cheese.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I dont think ill get too much off these plants, I think I'll be lucky to get 3/4 off each plant. Its a new tent so maybe they'll fatten up a bit these next few weeks. Its my first time growing any of these strains, hopefully I can improve next run.


Well-Known Member
I dont think ill get too much off these plants, I think I'll be lucky to get 3/4 off each plant. Its a new tent so maybe they'll fatten up a bit these next few weeks. Its my first time growing any of these strains, hopefully I can improve next run.

Guess u a hps grower?