UK Gatherings ?????


Due to what the Media wants they will only take pictures of the really fucked up looking ones and Video....................Look who the talk to about UFOs ....some trailer park redneck that ppl laugh even though there were say 1000 interested ppl there the media wil find the two Jay and Silent Bobs to interview and video..............bad idea if you wanting publicity.
We still need our voices heard. Things are actually improving. Cali weed is legal for medical and many other states/ places worldwide.

About time the rest of the world caught up..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd love to fool the media into thinking they have somehting good (negative) to air, and all of a sudden they are filming 200 impecibly dressed and spoken clean shaven young men who could quite happily pass as a politician. class seems to be one of their lines of persuasion, if more professionals would speak out, it would be great. I know a good number of lawyers, doctors, teachers, and such who all enjoy a smoke, but all we are told about is the lazy benefit scroungers! But i must admit, when i'm stood on my roof with a joint, after work, in my warm overcoat, i tend to think i put a bit of a better image (short of the "is he trying to fly" looks i sometimes get) then the bloke from the local scaffolding site sat behind the wheel rolling up a joint before driving home. But there are still enough respected people who like litle more than to toke up after a long week etc.


yes, it is clear that others think like me. I am an insurance broker but I have smoked cannabis for nearly 15 years. When I started the very first time I was told it would ruin my mind etc. It was those lies that inspired me to carry on seeking the truth. Now, aged nearly 30 I see the world for what it is, and it makes me sick unfortunately.

I don't want any other innocent pot smoker to suffer the wrath of the law. It is unfair and immoral.

Tip-top, you obviously know your stuff, but are you saying you would not go to one of these events if I managed to get a big one set up?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not an activist in any way really. I'll tealk to people i work with and such as they deserve to know better and to be educated a bit. Education is great, but in one way or another i am not ultimately fussed as well, laws or no laws i don't let them bother me and try and just live my life as i do. I enjoy sitting and debating and coming up with ideas and thoughts and just mulling things over with people, but i would rather someone with more energy and determination carries out the protesting etc, it is not my forte. On the whole i'm a listener not a talker.

Not being a people person and as such wanting nothing to do with the people at the events, i'm sure that doesn't help things :lol:


Well-Known Member
ok heres my pictuer. Do I look like a poster child to help your cause.............and yes thats really me........but me and alot of ppl like me would hurt a cause just because of our life style and looks.............ppl are to quick to judge and want to go for the bad feelings not good feelings.

Me and my Bike.JPG


I'm not an activist in any way really. I'll tealk to people i work with and such as they deserve to know better and to be educated a bit. Education is great, but in one way or another i am not ultimately fussed as well, laws or no laws i don't let them bother me and try and just live my life as i do. I enjoy sitting and debating and coming up with ideas and thoughts and just mulling things over with people, but i would rather someone with more energy and determination carries out the protesting etc, it is not my forte. On the whole i'm a listener not a talker.

Not being a people person and as such wanting nothing to do with the people at the events, i'm sure that doesn't help things :lol:
The things you say are exactly like what I am (and how I think) but if the cannabis laws suddenly had a massive impact on YOUR ACTUAL LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT, then i think you would become an awesome activist. I am not an activist either. I actually set up the sight for fun and it is a growing site. But now I realise I want to try to incite change.


ok heres my pictuer. Do I look like a poster child to help your cause.............and yes thats really me........but me and alot of ppl like me would hurt a cause just because of our life style and looks.............ppl are to quick to judge and want to go for the bad feelings not good feelings.

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Mate thats the beauty of my ideal. What you look like has no bearing, if you are peace loving then it is a bonus. If you want to smoke weed thats a bonus, but if you want to cause somebody/something unnecessary harm then I wish you dead.

see what i mean. weed doesn't harm anyone unless the criminal dealers who push to kids in schools get involved.

As i always say Regulate and Utilize. Make it 18+ and strict penalties for people selling to under 18s

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
maybe some violence is what's called for??? i don't mean senseless violence, but organised protests that will stand there ground and gain attention. i think we could currently talk until we are blue in the face and nothing would change. i think we'll have to fight the government to change, after all were only the people in their eyes, and the needs of the people mean squat unless the government benefits, as sad as it is.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nothing i do with regard to cannabis can play that much havock. We need to encourage home growing for the purpose of smoking it, not selling it. There is already so much case law that getting more than a slap on the wrist for a couple of plants is near impossible. The harry potter actor, he was found with the weed bagged up in his car with a knife hidden away, and 14 plants at home, he got handed a hundred and some hours CS and a hundred quid fine. An idea i had a few months ago is however an idea of "activism" that does make me smile and enthusiastic about. Given todays climate in the uk both economically and with regard to weather, the concept of growing your own fruits and herbs at home tidily and efficiently, well i think it's an idea you could possibly sell. I mean heck, you can stick a small black tent in the corner of the lounge, and have strawberries for cheap cheap cheap all year around, and then you just happen to also sell 600w hps, big tens and reflectors, just a grow shop, but masquerading as a home gardening shop in a higher market inner city area, offering lots of advice about growing indoors, soil and hydro for keeping clean, a requirement almost if selling as convenient indoor fruit. You then not so subtly start harping on about other things that can be grown in tents :D

This could (i'd like to say would but ha, i've not that much confidence in my plans) a. get people into indoor growing for more than just weed, i see it as a good idea if you've space b. then turn through talking in the store and this and that into new growers, added numbers strengthening the defense and c. You now have a dozens of fresh new perfectly legal hotspots on the police cameras. If the police just start knocking on the doors of all these people who've bought something completely innocent for innocent purposes, chances are some of these people will stand up and demand for the police to stop harassing them and change their tactics etc :D

A long shot, many glaring holes i don't doubt but haha, it amuses me, it would be a fine notion.


Well-Known Member
Best way to support the cause is to become a dealer! I think the only way politicians will see the truth is when they get high enough during their schooling.

I have heard about all the people wanting it to be legal even if they havent smoked in their life, but someone who hasn`t smoked know or want jack shit IMO

Get the stuff available is what id say...

Plus things arent THAT bad at the moment, i mean its not like i give a shit when i smoke infront of my house. It feels good to be the enlightened one smoking the spliff when all my friends are necking green pints with 4 shots of vodka and fucking Ironbrew and WKD lol Some of them are studying politics actually... I should propably encourage a spliff on these fellows for the future
