Hi all, the time is upon us to prepare for the great outdoors and some expert advice on which strain to go for would be greatly appreciated..
The last couple of years have been hugely disappointing - last year I ran Sensi Jamaican Pearl which is marketed as perfect for southern UK outdoor. This strain was still finishing in mid November when it is a cold, dark and damp so in no way was it suited for the UK.. it took too long to begin flowering after planting in May and took too long to finish flowering, I lost 95% of yield to mould due to the time of year it was finishing in. The previous year I ran all auto's, I chose 8 different strains, none of which got bigger than 10" in fabric pots and yielded a underwhelming 3.5g-7g each. I plant in pots and in soil to see how they compare, check them weekly and feed when required.
Previous seasons I ran autos like Lowryder, Lowryder #2 and Auto AK with them all yielding 1oz-2oz each. I also tried some photo period Dutch Passion Frisian Dew which yielded 4.5oz per plant so I am unsure why this new batch of autos were so poor in comparison.
This season I would like to run autos again due to the unpredictable long running time of the Jamaican Pearl and being able to harvest twice. I just don't want to go through another season of 10" baby autos that have pathetic yields! Thanks in advance.