UK Outdoor Forest Grow Pictures

Hey guys I thought I'd post some pics of my guerilla grow in an untouched part of woodland in the south of England. It's only one plant at the moment that's been vegging since the end of march, I'm trying to get 4 or 5 more but I've been through 6 seeds without a single germination in the last week or two.

This is my first grow but all's been going pretty well up until a few days ago. I went out to check it and the top few inches of the stem has bent over and the freshest two sets of leaves were drooping pretty badly. I haven't got any pics but I think the plant was rootbound so I moved it into the forest floor 2 days ago and overnight the stem straightened up and the leaves are looking better now but are not quite as lush as they used to be.

Notice the 3 pronged...

5 pronged...

and 7 pronged leaves

None of this is damage to the plants they all grew like this, there were a couple more sets of 3 pronged leaves at the bottom that got trimmed a while ago.

Here are some shots of it including a bit of the location.

Thanks for reading!
Thanks, it could be one of about 5 different bags of seedy weed I bought months ago but it's survived some seriously cold english nights without showing any stress so I guess I got lucky and it's something good for outdoor.


Well-Known Member
lol you'l only know if it's a good plant for uk once its finished flowering unless we have an indian summer winter might well have hit before you chop

your looking at about the 20th of september before the plant flowers so if your plant takes 10 weeks to flower you'l be well into december before you chop

good luck tho i'm gonna be growing outdoors here but using autoflowers soon


Well-Known Member
lol take a cutting and force flower it at home save you trekking out to the woods 2 times a day for a few weeks for a male


Well-Known Member
Nice healthy canna you got going there mate, by the leaves I would say its Indica dominate, so perhaps it will flower in time.
Thanks! To be honest I'm not really thinking about flowering times and harvest I'm just enjoying growing the plant, I'm moving away in september so and leaving a friend to flower and hopefully harvest.