uk pc grow box assistance required.

Picture.jpghello guys,

I have tried to educate myself on the net but the more I read, the more conflicting views i come across. I am a first time grower using a pc case. I'm only growing small coz I only smoke a little, but fancy a project.

my pc grow box is as follows

pc case
85w cfl red grow light
mylar throughout
4 fans, 2 air in - 2 air out
temp 81

Looking to grow a lowryder, female

my questions

1. I'm a uk grower, so cant get fox farm soil etc, what soil can I use, name, brand, etc

2. is my temp ok, struggling to get it down any more

3. what nutes should i use (remember uk grower, name, brand etc)?

4. I live in a high limescale area, whats the best way to water my plant ?

Above is a small pic of my set up, very basic but should manage my needs.

thanks in advance to any answers and your time invested in this thread.


Well-Known Member
1. I'm a uk grower, so cant get fox farm soil etc, what soil can I use, name, brand, etc - I would use COCO but if you did want a soil then CANNA Pro + is good. I use B'cuzz coco

2. is my temp ok, struggling to get it down any more - 81F is fine but you will need a digital Therm/Hydro to monitor RH

3. what nutes should i use (remember uk grower, name, brand etc)? - Ionic nutes are good for noobs i still use them. You get the version for your medium. IONIC COCO or IONIC SOIL or IONIC hydro

4. I live in a high limescale area, whats the best way to water my plant ? - You should allow your water to sit out for 24-36 hours before using it then add your nutes etc. There are also sterilising agents you can buy for your water if you are worried about it (pythoff). If you want to help your little plant out more then you can also bubble air using an aquarium air pump into your nutrient/water for around an hour or so before you water.

Hope this helps.

hello again, my seeds are on the germ and just wondered, read that I can pot with 'john inns no2' and this will be ok from start to finish as it has 6 weeks worth of nutes, was going to combined this with perlite, not sure of the ratio though, can anyone help. want to keep this as basic as poss as I'm finding the whole thing a bit confusing....


Well-Known Member
In my honest opinion you need something that is sterile or you may end up with pests that you didnt want.

I started off using WESTLANDS+ and it had thrips in it and i had a hell of a time getting rid of them.

You really need to find yourself a hydro shop and they will have soil, coco, perlite, vermiculite, soiless mixes etc.

If you want something easy where you dont have to worry so much then choose a good quality soil from your hydro shop or online as soil is a good buffer of PH.

Growing plants is a fine art that we are all trying to master.

You should really read up on it all so that you know what you are doing and can get yourself off to a good start.

READ READ READ and when you think you've read enough READ somemore.

You need to get cracking on this as germination doesnt take a very long time.

How are you germinating your seeds???

hey jondamon, thanks for your kind responses. Well my seeds have been going for just over 24 hrs, no active lifeyet but I'm keeping an eye on things. Starting the seeds off using the paper and distiled water method. Got my perlite, and the other one like perlite but begins with a 'V' verma...something.. and my soil, read in several posts that john innes would be ok, but there is no hydro shops near me and I nearly got kicked out of my one and only local garden centre for enquiring about growing lamps??? got my temp to a steady 73, I have read so so much it has almost turned into an crazy obsession which is not what I want, dont get me wrong I want to do it right and I have invested alot of time and a bit of money on my stuff, seeds etc but its got to be a fun project for me as I'll f**k it off and end up spending the earth for a crap bag of smoke...again. To be honest what I have is going to hopefully have to do for the min I think. Any advice on the ratio mix of my stuff??


Well-Known Member
We all have to start somewhere.

Personally my initial shopping list consisted of the following 2 things

1 x 24w 6400K T5 flouro
1 x 600w HPS lamp and ballast.

To get me through my first grow i spent around £300-£400 and since then i have been adding little bits here and there.
If you are serious about growing some good herb then you are gonna need the basics.


Growing medium £20
PLenty of plant pots multiple sizes £15
LAMP (big investment but essential for indoor growing) £30-£200
propagation lamp £25
Oscilating fans £15
TEMP/RH gauge £18

This was the bare minimum that i bought. I might also add that i have now got pretty friendly with my local hydro shop owner and now i get discounts too.
A little tip for you is check with any aquarium shops where you live as they have MH and HPS and CFL lamps for reptiles fish etc.
This might be your best bet for a growing lamp. Just go in and ask them what kind of lamps they stock.

Without the basics It wont be worth even trying.
