UK Thai-Stick Bagseed, Grow and smoke report.


Active Member
Thai Stick Bagseed 12/12 from seed
Soil (Allmix) + Bio Grow+Bloom
400w hps in a 1x1x2m Budbox
Topped once, trained throughout.
all the rest of it, bells, whistles etc.

I got about 20 seeds from a random bag of thai stick that came my way. Thai stick is almost unheard of in the UK, at least where I come from so I decided to grow them out for fun and to see what thai stick looks like when untampered with. 12/12 seemed like a good plan to control the size of the girls.
I popped 10 on a paper towel and onto my cd player for warmth. 9 germed within 24hrs and 1 failed to germinate.
Veg and Flower
These were pure sativa, that is for sure. The seeds grew very vigorously but were lanky and stretched a great deal. A few had to be supported for the first week or so. The leaves were very dark green, thin and droopy. They shot up steadily with many 2inch nodes and had to be topped to control hight by 1month from seed. Around this time all had shown sex, all 9 were female. Lucky i guess but it made me worry about the genetics. I topped them when they stood around 15inches tall, they recovered within days and powered on upwards. I selected the best 3, chosen for vigor, unique leaf structure and smell when rubbed.
So the three thais were to be in with other plants. I could see that they were not going to stop growing vertically. About three months from seed I had plants that would stand about 1.5m tall, with 4 main colas due to topping/training so i decided to put one in each of 3 corners of the tent and train them horizontally along the sides of the tent. I used the frame of my utillity shelf that was attached at about 1.2m from the ground. It worked amazingly. I trained the two thickest colas along each bar and kept supercropping them and the other two smaller colas to keep em under control. Pictures will make this clear so I will post some aswell.
I should add at this stage that it was not untill around 3months of 12/12 from seed that I saw any substantial bud forming. They grew very slowly even into month 4, and only finally began to produce well in the last month. Thats right, my 12/12 from seed experiment took 5months from germ. The plants did have a great many budsites however, hundreds, and by the 5th month there was a rim of leafy sativa bud, standing like a little forest of 5-8inch fingers around the edge of my tent, like scrog almost. I could tell this plant was going to go on forever and as time ran out I had to chop them at the end of the 5th month. 50% red hairs, mainly cloudy trichs, few clear, few amber.
They required remarkably little watering and seemed almost invaulnerable to abuse. I split the main stem of one where I had topped it, it split open like a banana skin, about 2 inchs down the stem - it barely blinked. When supercropped the girls would be standing up by the next day or two with a fat knot to hold it up. They were a delight to top and train, the stems stayed nice and bendy long enough to train easily into right angles etc, and then became woody - supporting alot of weight. They showed a variety of nute deficiencies, but nothing that lasted. Considering they were in the same 9l pots all that time they were very easy to grow. Lastly they happily took my very cold night temps, down to the mid 40s at night (or thereabouts).

The thai weed has thick and woody stems that are a bitch to cut. I found a bread knife took care of it. The amount of leaf in this bud is coupious. I found that rather than trimming back to the leaf stalks I just trimmed the leaf edges off while rotating the buds. It was easiest to trim each finger off seperatly rather than hold a branch like 2ft long. The amount of resin on the leaves was below average and the trim looked very unappealing. It sits in a jar to this day. The actual calyxs themselves were nice and sparkly, with resin growth sort of comming from within rather than spreading all over the outer leaves. All the bud was a mid green colour with dark brown hairs.


They were decent yeilders in the end, the airy buds may have not looked like much singly, but each of the two best girls had about 30-40 of these 6-8inch buds on them. I got somewhere around 1+3/4 Os per plant dry. Most buds were of a simillar size as I had lollypopped them well. The key here was number of budsights.

Smoke report
Out of my three phenotypes, one was a bit of a runt and the bud was pretty crap with hardly any resin. That pheno I have neglected in this report. The other two had thier differences.

This one had a spicy, peppery smell when growing that persisted after a 4week cure. When cured there was a mild smell of lemon that was most noticable when ground up. The buds were of low density but looked quite sugary and broke up easily, no need for a grinder really. This pheno cured to a very dark greenish brown. Honestly I did not really like the taste of the smoke. It was pretty unappealing to me and had a wierd undertone that I can't describe, a sort of plasticy taste. The high was quite energetic, yet mild. The buzz was very much a high and not a stoned. I think It was of low potency though as I had to smoke it pure to get any real lasting effect. It actually went down better with people I know who dont smoke much as they found they could do bongs of it and not be left coughing thier lungs up. The best way to sum it up would be - a sort of spicy, woody smoke with a small hint of lemon that imparts a mild but uplifting buzz. Goes down easy.
The main difference in this pheno was the bud formation. Appart from having slightly thinner leaves than pheno 1 it grew at exactly the same rate. There was a higher calyx to leaf ratio and a sweeter smell when growing. After 4weeks of curing it gave off a much more lemony smell than pheno 1. It was also a bit lighter in colour with much less of a brown tint and many more hairs. It imparted the same high when smoked but had a more sweet and lemony taste, most noticable when bonged. It still had what I would describe as a mild taste though, the smell was quite strong once ignited though as many friends noted. This pheno was a nicer smoke all round, it lacked the sort of harsh spice taste that the other pheno had.

Final report
These girls were a handful. Without constant training they become monsters in a short period. Other than their stretchyness they were remarkably resilliant to all types of problems. In addition they were very low key to grow as they smelt almost of nothing unless rubbed. The smoke was extremely disappointing, with a poor taste, and even poorer high. It wasn't unsmokable but considering it took 5 full months to grow (even with 12/12 from seed) it was a big waste of time. It was nice to have a pure sativa strain but now they are gone I can safely say I'l not be growing bagseed again in a hurry. I also know now that 12/12 from seed does not work well with this strain. 5months from seed!!!
Also, I might conclude from this grow that wherever this weed was grown origionally, be it thailand or cambodia, it came from feminized seeds. Not one of my girls hermied on me and all 9 I planted were female.

smell - 5/10
taste - 4/10
high - 4/10
bag appeal - 5/10
durration of flowering (5months+) - 1/10
ease of grow - 6/10


Nice report. I've always wondered what Thai would be like in it's natural form as I smoke a lot of the stuff.Toyed with the idea of growing it myself but don't think I'll bother now lol


When you say it showed female at a month did pistils appear all over or just the odd one, I have noticed just the odd one appearing. Also what lighting schedule did you have for the flowering time, did you try 10/14 or stick with 12/12, being in the uk this is hyperthreotical but I would use 10/14 if I was growing some Thai stick bagseed. I would also find that no matter what you try, cutting down on nutes, defoilating etc, nothing slows the growth rate, after 5 week of flowering no bud sites have shown and no further pistils as yet ( pistil cases are there but no hairs sprouted out yet) did you notice similar.

Fantastic report though, searched and searched for Thai bagseed grows and this is without doubt the best I've read.


Forgot to add, if I was 8 week into a grow, would you persevere as another potentially 12 weeks is a lot of electricity cost etc.


Sorry to hijack, can confirm that switching to 10/14 plus reducing temp in grow room by 5 degrees c does in fact speed up the flowering process of Thai.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've just been smoking a bunch of thai stick brick weed that was imported into the UK. Brick my friend picked up smelt really really strongly of dark chocolate and cherries, lovely stone, although incredibly resinous, joints would just get clogged and unsmokable. I grabbed 20 seeds from it so as to try growing it out properly myself.