uk weather


Hey guys, at mo the uk weather is total crap, clouds,more clouds and rain, i germd 3 more seeds last weekend/saturday they went into paper towel, sprouted in 48 hours, potted on the monday 6 days on and i think there going real slow, what do you guys think? There in a green house, average temp day is 22-24 and night 12-14 centigrade.
All comments welcome, they seem to be struggling.

Image 1 is superskunk and was the first to sprout, approx 1.5 inches tall
image 2 is white diesel and 2nd to sprout, approx 1" tall
image 3 again superskunk, approx 1" tall

Were geting approx 16-17 hours of light a day at the moment.



Would it help if i got them under a few cfl lights at night guys? then return to the green house in the day.. would this be a problem? comments please


I have a few growing in my Greenhouse in the UK, I just leave them in there, the only attention they get is watering but not everyday. Mine are doing extremely well (will try to get some pics up) The pic you put up look as if the soil is quite wet, dont water until the soil has dried a bit. Does your Greenhouse get direct sunlight?


I have a few growing in my Greenhouse in the UK, I just leave them in there, the only attention they get is watering but not everyday. Mine are doing extremely well (will try to get some pics up) The pic you put up look as if the soil is quite wet, dont water until the soil has dried a bit. Does your Greenhouse get direct sunlight?
they had just been waterd, the greenhouse does get direct sunlight but we havnt had any since they were put in pots,

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah ma, i feel ya.where i live theres also shitty wether, but today im really suprised-i can see some sun.
hope it all works 4 you man.


yeah ma, i feel ya.where i live theres also shitty wether, but today im really suprised-i can see some sun.
hope it all works 4 you man.
thanks, do you see any probs with these little ladies? 2 of them dont look as if there opening properly.


taken with a nikon d90 dude and the pic format was nef, had to convert to jpeg but somthin went wrong...

hope the last pics better, havt messes with any colour.
she is actualy under 12/12 now, still waiting for signs of flowering, potted in 20oz soda/pop bottle feeding vitalink nutes.


Well-Known Member
i live in the uk aswell weather not to bad at first then just got shit. the only time they come in is if its to windy
and they been growing slow 2

