Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

in my eyes autoflower is just another way for seed companys to pull your pants down with a gimmick, the afgan side of your strain is lookin good but like sambo says be careful the reason for this is EVERY autoflower strain there is out there is crossed with Ruderalis which is a total dogshit ratweed thats got next to no THC to get the autoflower trait now if your plants take from the ruderalis pheno then you will end up with dogshit herb & if it takes from the afgan pheno you will end up with good herb its a gamble that i myself would`nt take but hope all best comes from them m8

This is her from the side at 29 days got me another 35 days to go yet, but bare in mind i have only 3 & they take a lot of space when bent horizontal like i have & once again as sambo said you can start at any time & train them to grow in any way you want

I've just found this thread and just thought i'd add my prices I'm about 50 miles away from london and at moment it's £10 per gram (can't get anything higher then that) and now the hash has gone up to £11 for about 3.6 grams. Wish it was like two years ago when i got half oz for £70. Think i'm gonna have to quit smoking at these prices and the weed is normally shit - tho the hash it actually good.
I've just found this thread and just thought i'd add my prices I'm about 50 miles away from london and at moment it's £10 per gram (can't get anything higher then that) and now the hash has gone up to £11 for about 3.6 grams. Wish it was like two years ago when i got half oz for £70. Think i'm gonna have to quit smoking at these prices and the weed is normally shit - tho the hash it actually good.

what sort of hash you getting thats good and only 11quid a hen? sounds like soapbar prices?
Wow, more expensive (or atleast the same prices we get in the backwoods) than Sweden, and we have zero tolerance. I do remember paying alot in Camden and the like, but I figured it was because I was a tourist.
nice stuff
£20 for 2g sometimes 1.5
£180 for an oz

Chinky Bud
£20 for 3.5g
£35 for 7g
£550 for half bar
usually wet n not that great but everyone still buys it
I just read this thread and I thought I'd throw in my situation ATM. I live in Gloucestershire...

These are all prices from different dealers which i could call up and receive right at this moment - things are always changing :S

10 for 1 gram of home grown cheese - properly dried and cured.
10 for about 1.4 - 1.5 of what seems to be surprisingly nice brick weed
130+ petrol money for an oz of bone dry standard - the nugs are all big. I could easily shift this in 1.4s for 70 prophet
160 for an oz of dry standard.. little nicer than that above, but not worth it
220 for an oz of HIGH GRADE!!

I have friends who can get these prices where they live:
1260 for a bar of very nice home grown
10 for a 1.75 of pretty boggy weed
90 for half of high grade

A little back my mate was buying 1.4 of super lemon haze for 10... lucky bugger...

We used to be able to get a 'teenth' which is 1.75g for 12 pounds 50 pence...

Not much hash around here...

P.s. keyboard broken - no pound symbol!!!
In the midlands 10 a gram cheese etc
£220+ for a oz

Chinese shit as above normally around £140 oz but always a little wet £20 for 3.5

I'm Getting fucking pissed of with the silly prices in the uk all the 10 a gram bullshit yes cheese taste nice and yeah it smell nice but I would rather have the mids and get twice as much and sometimes STRONGER then the cheese
Fresh golden pollen, really nice stuff: £420/100g
Double zero, strong as fuck: £420/100g
people at the bottom pay £7/g round here.

Skunk varies in price and quality from blockweed for £120/oz to high grade for £200/oz.

Thankfully I dont need to bother with any of that shit, mine grows free!
London prices:

Tangerine Dream = £260-£320
Cheese = £250-£300 oz (Nine £2200-£2700)
Amnesia = £250-£300 oz
£20 gets you 1.2g
£10 gets you .06g

any other skunk = £180-£220 oz
£20 gets you 1.6g
£10 gets you .07g

Thai weed = £90-£120 oz

Thai weed £10 you get 2g

Shotin grade in draws make the dealer £500+ an oz. They guy easily doubles his/her money.
London prices:

Tangerine Dream = £260-£320
Cheese = £250-£300 oz (Nine £2200-£2700)
Amnesia = £250-£300 oz
£20 gets you 1.2g
£10 gets you .06g

any other skunk = £180-£220 oz
£20 gets you 1.6g
£10 gets you .07g

Thai weed = £90-£120 oz

Thai weed £10 you get 2g

Shotin grade in draws make the dealer £500+ an oz. They guy easily doubles his/her money.

Same as round here
jesus christ
ive been shifting my ounces of cheese for 133 (when selling over 4 at a time)

im selling around 30 ounces this grow and there all going at around 160 an ounce. cheese and chronic.

i still cant believe the prices that people are talking about?
maybe im out of touch, because i havnt paid for any in years,, should i up my price?
London prices:

Tangerine Dream = £260-£320
Cheese = £250-£300 oz (Nine £2200-£2700)
Amnesia = £250-£300 oz
£20 gets you 1.2g
£10 gets you .06g

any other skunk = £180-£220 oz
£20 gets you 1.6g
£10 gets you .07g

Thai weed = £90-£120 oz

Thai weed £10 you get 2g

Shotin grade in draws make the dealer £500+ an oz. They guy easily doubles his/her money.

sad but true.......................
jesus christ
ive been shifting my ounces of cheese for 133 (when selling over 4 at a time)

im selling around 30 ounces this grow and there all going at around 160 an ounce. cheese and chronic.

i still cant believe the prices that people are talking about?
maybe im out of touch, because i havnt paid for any in years,, should i up my price?

Yeah and a positive is that you will still be shifting cheese at a cheaper price relative to other growers.

Price of danks is fucking ridiculous these days, hood rats are moving .8 tens and 1.6-8 ballers. Lucky I know some of them and my '8ths' are 2.2 - 3gs depending on whether it is pukkas or peace.
Yeah and a positive is that you will still be shifting cheese at a cheaper price relative to other growers.

Price of danks is fucking ridiculous these days, hood rats are moving .8 tens and 1.6-8 ballers. Lucky I know some of them and my '8ths' are 2.2 - 3gs depending on whether it is pukkas or peace.
Prices in Ireland.....
Typical crap weed (sprayed)/homegrown shit goes 250/300 Oz
The likes of cheeses and bubblegum and lemons are going for 450/500 oz, every1 sells 2g for 50blps!!
Boxes normally are going for about 11/12k and u would get a bar for 2900-4000 all depending on who you know!! How would these prices compare to england??