UK What Sentence Am I Looking At?


Hi all. i was caught with 32 plants when the police raided my house on a unrelated issue. me and two others were arrested and given bail. Finally the CPS accepted a guilty plea on the basis of growing for personal use eventhough there were scale and cling film which didn't belong to me, the other two were discharged.

So now my barrister says i will be sentence only based on "growing for personal use"
I have not been in trouble for any sort of drugs before and my criminal record is 11 years old. I said i grow for medical reasons which i can prove and the judge also asked for a pre sentence report.

What sort of sentence do you think i am likely to receive

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
You won't get sent down i doubt maybe a sick fine and community service, as you've pleaded guilty and its percy i would be very surprised if you got bird. Depends on previous if it was 11 years ago im sure they cant bring it up as it was so long ago but all depends what you got done for.


Thanks for that, im just real paro at the moment, sentencing on the 11th. previous wasn't drugs related al all so im hoping i'll just get fine or community like you said


Active Member
Wish you luck mate. I dont know if 32 plants is too much for percy. Also i dont think spent convictions on non-related matters are taken into consideration, but its all on the day mate. I wish you all the best of luck.


Well stupidly i let some friends stay there while i was staying at my mums house, while i had a little set up in one of the rooms, ma, i don't know what the fook they did, all i know is i got a phone call from the neighbor saying a naked man was running through may garden with police chasing him, lol man they f'd me up, i would never have got caught if it wasn't for that, had a good filter, heat was controlled well, no light leaks, man it was just my time...


Thanks man for the supportive words and advice, lets just see what this f'ing judge is going to do, his a grumpy one a tell yah, anyways thanks again


25, maybe i should have kept it at four - five plants, oh well, looks like another dealer will be in pocket from my loss, they can stop me from growing but not from smoking


no flowers and because of that the police were unable to put an estimated income, they weren't that big but they were the cheese, i was looking forward to it, now i don't think i should do another one too risky, but yeh they were all at the same stage.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
30 plants = 50/50 male so after the cull 15 and out of that the four or five that grow for your personal use ...sounds reasonable


Just got back from court and the judge gave me 9 month suspended sentence with 100 hrs community fine....i suppose thats alright. i was able to prove that i had a painful condition, fortunately for me but unfortunately for them, he also has a family member with the same condition. he then said

"i can understand why you would grow and smoke cannabis for personal use, and although i accept it was for personal use i do believe at least part of it would have been sold, but i'll give you the benefit of doubt this time"

we need to have egyptian style cannabis protests on the streets of up roll up.


Active Member
well done mate. going to celebrate for you with a huuuuuge bifta, good result.. where in the uk were u busted, just for reference..

nice one again mate, stop sweating..


yep rolled up a big phat cheese that night........i was busted in north west (wembley) london and was sentence at harrow crown court, i think the judge seen it all before to tell u honest truth, he didn't seem that bothered, despite all their pretentious shit, calling it a factory, sophisticated set up, you know the usual bullshit.

As to the condition i don't know what you mean but it was a guilty plea for percy/medical, said i had college to go to and family to look after. if your talking about set up it was just 32 cheese 4x4, x2 600wt, soil.

man i wanna start another grow but paro as fuck now, but we'll see how it goes...but as long as i know u peeps are keeping them grows up then iam happy........