Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

The only way to make weed acceptably legal, is to have Bipartisan Support. Theres no other way.

Nope. The way to make it acceptable is to completely decriminalize a plant and for the government to get the fuck out of the way.

No plant counts, no give us money for a license, no give us money or gain permission to do ANYTHING with the plant. Get the fuckers completely out of it. Any legalization in the present amounts to "prohibition lite", sorry, not good enough. Get their stinking paws off the plant. Period.
Nope. The way to make it acceptable is to completely decriminalize a plant and for the government to get the fuck out of the way.

No plant counts, no give us money for a license, no give us money or gain permission to do ANYTHING with the plant. Get the fuckers completely out of it. Any legalization in the present amounts to "prohibition lite", sorry, not good enough. Get their stinking paws off the plant. Period.

Aint gonna happen.
does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???
Wow that’s quite the tale! Reminds me of the old Red Fisher show “Tall tales from scuttle butt lodge” …….. yes I’m old lol.
One reason why Zelensky might have shown up in the states and been televised, is because the house republicans are threatening to stop the aid going to them. Put him on tv, and have the American people sympathize and side with the people of Ukraine, and it makes it very difficult for the republicans to pull that shit without looking like the heartless, scum sucking, traitorous weasels they are. And in response to big dickshit's post directly above, Zelenski is anything but a joke. He's standing his ground and fighting with his people, unlike most politicians, who would have fled at the first sign of trouble. He may have been a tv comedian, but he's got more fight and guts than most leaders.
I guess Big_Chungus said: post is gone, along with my response.

Ill state what I said again.

In 1994 USA signed an agreement with Ukraine that if they gave up their nukes, the USA would protect them from any kind of invasion. And they had a shit load of nukes.

Its not binding, but we promised, and signed an agreement. If the USA cant be trusted to keep our word, how can anyone trust us when the chips are down? The reTHIGliKKKLANS would have us have break our word if they can.
does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???
anyone who would believe that should have someone more intelligent read the news with them, to explain the big words...all those big big words...

Everybody in there, but the pro-Putinites (aka, republicans). They're all dressed up
all acting hoity toity, with all their money, riches, comfort, Z shows up in an OD
sweater (his usual attire). He delivers speech, they're all clappy clappy, like amerikkkans
just love to do. If I was him, i'd be thinking, "stop clapping, and use those hands to
grab an AK and let's git 'er done, k?" Sickening, other than the symbolic show. I dunno.

I'm glad he was here, I hope they can get more support to him before the repubs take over
to cut his funding, add to Trump's support of Putin. Why, is beyond me, other than what I
hear is racist-based (some kind of odd notion that Russia will aid us in race war against
China), and why? Because our race is white like Russia's. o_O And we're not all white! R we.

Here's a transcript from CSPAN:
Ukraine is not being held accountable for how they spend the money the the United States gives them. Money sent to Ukraine would be better spent in United States keeping all the illegal immigrants out of our country and helping the citizens that need help.
Ukraine is not being held accountable for how they spend the money the the United States gives them. Money sent to Ukraine would be better spent in United States keeping all the illegal immigrants out of our country and helping the citizens that need help.
You should expand wherever you get your news/information from. You do realize that Ukraine isn't getting duffle bags of cash right? It is really not that hard to get a vague breakdown of what that funding is for and where the money actually goes. I know MAGA and all, but supporting other governments and/or their citizens in their country is far less costly than dealing with what those issues will bring to the U.S. without that support.
Ukraine is not being held accountable for how they spend the money the the United States gives them. Money sent to Ukraine would be better spent in United States keeping all the illegal immigrants out of our country and helping the citizens that need help.
you do realize that there are no "underfunded" social programs in the US? the reason most people who can't get help, can't get help, is that republican politicians refuse to allow it.
the "money" we've sent to Ukraine has nearly all been in the form of weapons and ammunition, and they are closely monitored. if a significant number start showing up anywhere else, they'll shut shit down till they fix the problem.
as an investment, Ukraine has paid off handsomely. they've done major damage to russia, for a small fraction of our annual defense budget, and most of the weapons systems we've sent them were slated to be replaced with newer systems, anyway.
it's a win/win for the US.
You should expand wherever you get your news/information from. You do realize that Ukraine isn't getting duffle bags of cash right? It is really not that hard to get a vague breakdown of what that funding is for and where the money actually goes. I know MAGA and all, but supporting other governments and/or their citizens in their country is far less costly than dealing with what those issues will bring to the U.S. without that support.
I like how Ukraine is beating up on Russia. But there's no accountability to how they are spending the money. I doubt very much they are giving receipts for expenditures to Congress to show where the money goes.
I like how Ukraine is beating up on Russia. But there's no accountability to how they are spending the money. I doubt very much they are giving receipts for expenditures to Congress to show where the money goes.
they don't get very much in the way of funds that they can withdraw and party on. most of it goes through established channels, so what is needed actually gets delivered. just because they don't post daily budget updates with line item lists, doesn't mean that they don't keep an eye on whats going on
they don't get very much in the way of funds that they can withdraw and party on. most of it goes through established channels, so what is needed actually gets delivered. just because they don't post daily budget updates with line item lists, doesn't mean that they don't keep an eye on whats going on
I know the United States and other countries give Ukraine weapons and cash. While I believe all life is precious, I am glad that American life is not being lost in depleting the Russian forces. I figure when this is over Russia will no longer be a world power.
I know the United States and other countries give Ukraine weapons and cash. While I believe all life is precious, I am glad that American life is not being lost in depleting the Russian forces. I figure when this is over Russia will no longer be a world power.
That is exactly why every dollar spent in Ukraine is worth it.
It's SAVING us money over the war that was inevitable, with no loss of American lives.
the single largest threat to world peace and security is being turned into a 4th world country, it will take decades for their economy to recover.
they've lost thousands of of young men to the war, and thousand more have left to avoid being drafted...they're financially, culturally, and genetically bankrupted. At bargain basement prices.
Russia has no technology? That's news to me. They put up the first
satellite into space, the first man in space, they set off the largest
hydrogen bomb ever used: "Blast yield: 50–58 megatons of TNT.
They have about 6000 ICBMs.

I suppose the limit to their tech would be firing those ICBMs at us
inaccurately, so that one of the many thousands that they'd fire
might miss the target. But it'd land somewhere in N. America. I hope not on me.

There's a thing called MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) whereby if a nuke
war was started by one side, that side could be assured that it too would be destroyed.
Another concept is called Nuclear Deterrence, whereby if we have nukes and they do too,
each side would be deterred from using nukes because of MAD. Nobody really wants to use them.
I mean were you aware of the above facts? And if not, and now you know, does that change your mind some
regarding your statement, "We are going to have to end up Nuking Russia for them so they can have their
freedom. Just do it already ffs."?
if i remember correctly the best air diffence missle sistem is russians. and last year they showed of their rocket that flew almost touching the floor and navigating a labirinth....

allsoo they can park a submarine 2 m from your coast and you would not be able to see it.