"Against all odds, and doom and gloom scenarios, Ukraine didn't fall," said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as he began his remarks to a joint meeting of Congress on U.S. support for Ukraine in its war against Russia's invasion. He thanked Congress for the United States' financial...
Everybody in there, but the pro-Putinites (aka, republicans). They're all dressed up
all acting hoity toity, with all their money, riches, comfort, Z shows up in an OD
sweater (his usual attire). He delivers speech, they're all clappy clappy, like amerikkkans
just love to do. If I was him, i'd be thinking, "stop clapping, and use those hands to
grab an AK and let's git 'er done, k?" Sickening, other than the symbolic show. I dunno.
I'm glad he was here, I hope they can get more support to him before the repubs take over
to cut his funding, add to Trump's support of Putin. Why, is beyond me, other than what I
hear is racist-based (some kind of odd notion that Russia will aid us in race war against
China), and why? Because our race is white like Russia's.

And we're not all white! R we.
Here's a transcript from CSPAN: