Ultra 2011


Well-Known Member
so who else went the ultra in miami?

i only went friday but it was epic. 170mg of the sand to start off. followed by 30mg MXE a few hours later, then another 100mg or so of the sand. i was floating around the whole time, walking on pillows. got a massage from the speakers. good times.

heres a few pics but i was to fucked up to bother taking anymore.



Active Member
you didnt go saturday?!?!?!!

It was EPIC!!!!! Although it was my first ultra, but hopefully not my last. Nice pics by the way. I'm not in any of them :) And which tent are the last three pics from? I didn't make it to that one i don't think...

By the way, was it just because i was tripping, or did it seem that every short, older, middle eastern looking guy was selling rolls? I did see one black dude selling, but aside from that, i was able to pick them out from a far, and sure enough, almost all would ask if i needed any.


Active Member
i know right?!? And i was looking for them regularly.

There were super hot chicks wearing boy shorts and bikini tops, but i couldnt spot anyone flashing

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
im truning into an old man. its been so long sence i have been to killer party. and haveing a woman that dont party doesnt help. plus she has that stuff that flashing lights can make flop all around.grrr how did i end up old and domesticated