Umm, I think I have a prob w/ my girl..


Active Member
Shes been flowering for about a month and now is starting to look pretty bad. Is this an over fert problem? Shes been stressed I'd say from like day one and I'm surprised she didn't turn hermie.

Any help please!
can someone pass the :joint: of wisdom? haha



Active Member
looks like nutes to me with the way the leaves are yellowing and the tips are burnt. i would flush a few times and lay off the nutes to see if it helps out.

on 2nd look it could also be heat stress, but more likely to be nute burn


Well-Known Member
what kinda light you using? The plant looks like its stretching for the light, A lil spindley. How far is it from the light? Lastly what kind of nutes?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what nutrients are you using?

To me it looks like you have a little too much nitrogen in the mix. During flowering, plants need some nitrogen but very little. Look at getting a nute with a NPK of 2-20-12 or something similar. They need plenty of phosphorous and a medium ammount of potassium but like I said, very little Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have pretty young plants there, or are they clones ? I would veg them out a bit longer, they look pretty scrawny to be flowering. You probably need to get a larger pot, those plants can get root bound real fast.