umm idk about this new hood. help please

i got a sunleaves vented hood for a good price but im not sure how im going to run my carbon filter and exhaust with this cord in the way ????



Well-Known Member
I see that dude. I was like WTF and then read your last post , that is the craziest mounting for the cable ever they are usually somewhere else. Your eyes saved you a wasted trip to the store.


Active Member
Even without the slit it's still capable of being a good fixture for some people, maybe not you though.

I know some people who only exhaust through the light with a inline fan they suck all the hot air from the hood and the other ends fills up with air and order
on the other end of the inline is a carbon scrubber so it works for some
also helps with negative pressure if you only run 1 exhaust and passive intakes