Un-Baked Super Soil question.?.?


Well-Known Member
What happens if you don't wet and bake the Super Soil before use, I'm assuming you get a hot mix, that has more avail nutrients of one kind and others that take time to unlock with heat and moisture. Please chime if if you KNOW anything about this, would be forever indebted.


Yes pretty much as you put it, also it will have areas with more of one nutrient and less of another, with another section of the soil being opposite.
I use a very mild super soil as i never have time to let it sit, see slight issues but nothing a little dyna gro can't handle.
Incidentally how have you been man, its been forever. Hows the garden?


Well-Known Member
Wassabie brother!! Great, testing out some super soil and organic teas. We just took the girls off of Sensi Bloom A + B grow, and put them into full strength supersoil. Unfortunately due to circumstances we were unable to bake or moisten it. "I swear I wanted to but had no choice in the matter". At day 7 in flower I dosed her with some fungal dominant tea, a day later the ac went haywire and the room hit 100degrees two days in a row. Now there are Yellowing leaves scattered randomly around the bottom of the plants. The new flowering growth looks AMAZING, I'm talking 1/8 inch inter node's growing 2-3 new budsites a day and healthy green top 3 feet of plant. When I was using organic nutes from veg to flower this was kinda normal but not so soon. Now with the Uncooked supersoil, High Temps, and Switch from synth to organic feed cant tell whats going on. They look great to me with the exception of the 1/100 leaves yellowing and falling off a few weeks early. They exploded after the fungal tea but also began the random yellowing of a few lower leaves. It stoped as of today, no new yellowing lower leaves just lots of new calyx growth and about 2 inches of new growth "day 10 =D".
Sorry for the long block of text, just smoked a bowl or two.


Well-Known Member
The nutrients won't be available to the plants until the beneficial microbes in your soil have had a chance to multiply, and break down the organic matter that you've added to your base.

In this case I would think the plant will experience a lack of nutrients.

I could be wrong though ....


Not sure if you had seen MG's post on this locally, EC said it looked like an N def i believe, which would make sense, as would the improving health of the plants. I would expect to see lots of changes that you don't expect and can't explain, much like the fucking root aphids did to me.....


Production may be slightly off ( i know this is huge in your case) but i still believe that leaving them in this soil (while letting more cook) will turn out best for you, but thats just my opinion


Well-Known Member
letting the ss activate is extremely important....it is some fucked up shit without it.....i would not advise it...imho.


Active Member
I was in a similar situation...instead of planting directly into hot soil I top dressed with it...worked out great


if its not baked its not super soil, its just soil with some amendments tossed in it (in ratios more geared towards rhizospheric growth/ microbial health than actual plant nutes, if i understand ss)