Unable to Register- Happening To Others As Well


Well-Known Member
My friend is trying to register and keeps getting this error:

Sorry, the account "rollitup" exists in our records but is currently not active. Please push the "back" button on your web browser and notify the website owner of this message.

He has tried multiple usernames, e-mails, browsers, computers. He even tried it on his phone. After doing some research, it is definitely a server-side problem, and there are others trying to figure this out as well.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
probably because he's tunneling his IP???

You can't register using a proxy or tunnel... site won't let ya. ;) Nice try.

Not only can you not register.. but I think they even got it to where you can't even use a proxy period.. rather you have an existing account or creating one.

sucks IMO.. but eh what can ya do?



Well-Known Member
See, I'm already signed in even.. and I just changed my security settings to use a proxy. Once I got connected to the proxy I hit the reload button.. and got this:

Otero County Electric Cooperative

Please Contact your network administrator for questions
Content blocked While trying to retrieve the URL: https://www.rollitup.org/support/429111-unable-register-happening-others-well.html The content is blocked due to the following condition: The URL you have requested is blocked by Surf Protection. If you think this is wrong, please contact your administrator. Report: Drugs not allowed. Your cache administrator is: admin@ote-coop.com
Powered by Astaro​

Is that not fucking HILARIOUS!?! hehehe... ;)



Well-Known Member
That shit actually kinda scares me.. now that I sit here and really look at it.

I mean, why would they set it up like that? Almost insists upon itself really.. like they want to be able to get everyone's IP #'s and or hostnames.

I could just be paranoid.. but I mean, think about it.. makes you think. Does to me anyhow..



Well-Known Member
Proxy? Nah. Those things are for soldiers in Iraq to bypass the porn-blocker. Not sure why you're under the impression he's "try"ing to "trick" the site. He's just a dude with a laptop and internet in a house. Like I said, he's used multiple computers, to include his phones' web browser (Verizon 3G network).

Did you attempt to test-register prior to replying to me? I'm sure you won't get far.


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine is having the same issue... has tried from 4 different pc's on four different ip's

Dan Casus

My wife is having the same issue. She has been trying to register for a couple of weeks now with no luck, she even fired a email to the admin's. kiss-ass

I tell her to just use my account to sign in (important so one can see the photo's posted) but it has become a personal issue with her. If she can't have her own account she is boycotting the site, lol.

Anyhow hopefully VapVixen will be able to join some day.... :peace:


Active Member
well it is so they can have your ip ... what better way to catch drug dealers than to open up a forum for them and bait em in ... i have spoken to multiple rui members who claim rui gave there ip to local law enforcement resulting in arrest..... roll it up? or roll over


Well-Known Member
That's highly unlikely. It's for ad revenue. Pretty much any other site that experiences heavy traffic does the same. Nothing to be wary of. What's concerning is the fact that users are unable to register. Hopefully we can raise a little awareness and get this remedied. I, as well, have sent in a ticket.

Dan Casus

My friend is trying to register and keeps getting this error:

Sorry, the account "rollitup" exists in our records but is currently not active. Please push the "back" button on your web browser and notify the website owner of this message.

He has tried multiple usernames, e-mails, browsers, computers. He even tried it on his phone. After doing some research, it is definitely a server-side problem, and there are others trying to figure this out as well.

Any ideas?
BTW: This ^^^^^ (red text)^^^^^is the same message she (VapeVixen) gets when she attemps to create an account.



Active Member
I, too, was unable to register here, for about a month. NO response from this site's "Contact Us" web form. I had the old registration form cached, and would try to reload it every day. Same Aweber msg, "account is inactive, contact website owner".

This is the same message she gets when she attemps to create an account.

Likely because RIU stopped paying Aweber, and Aweber disabled the rollitup account ;)

It appears that within the last couple of days, the RIU registration process has changed. RIU no longer appears to use http://www.aweber.com/ to obtain (resell?) our registration information. Perhaps another cash cow has been butchered ;)

I was (finally) able to register by reloading any RIU page (not from the local cache) and selecting the "Register" text at the top of every page (https://www.rollitup.org/register.php). That now takes me to the new registration process which, while it wouldn't work on Safari on my old iPhone (can't type in an email address in either field, for some reason), did work for FireFox 4.01 for Mac.

I did find the lack of response from the site's admin disturbing, though.

Dan Casus

I, too, was unable to register here, for about a month. NO response from this site's "Contact Us" web form. I had the old registration form cached, and would try to reload it every day. Same Aweber msg, "account is inactive, contact website owner".

Likely because RIU stopped paying Aweber, and Aweber disabled the rollitup account ;)

It appears that within the last couple of days, the RIU registration process has changed. RIU no longer appears to use http://www.aweber.com/ to obtain (resell?) our registration information. Perhaps another cash cow has been butchered ;)

I was (finally) able to register by reloading any RIU page (not from the local cache) and selecting the "Register" text at the top of every page (https://www.rollitup.org/register.php). That now takes me to the new registration process which, while it wouldn't work on Safari on my old iPhone (can't type in an email address in either field, for some reason), did work for FireFox 4.01 for Mac.

I did find the lack of response from the site's admin disturbing, though.

Thank you very much for your reply.

The lack of response from admin was disappointing to say the least. However I will convey your response, thanks Al S!


I was (finally) able to register by reloading any RIU page (not from the local cache) and selecting the "Register" text at the top of every page (https://www.rollitup.org/register.php). That now takes me to the new registration process which, while it wouldn't work on Safari on my old iPhone (can't type in an email address in either field, for some reason), did work for FireFox 4.01 for Mac.

I did find the lack of response from the site's admin disturbing, though.
thank you, thank you, thank you! ... now i'm in :)


Active Member
Yeah I have been trying to register for the last few weeks, and sent emails with no response, finally allowed me tonight


Well-Known Member
I, too, was unable to register here, for about a month. NO response from this site's "Contact Us" web form. I had the old registration form cached, and would try to reload it every day. Same Aweber msg, "account is inactive, contact website owner".

Likely because RIU stopped paying Aweber, and Aweber disabled the rollitup account ;)

It appears that within the last couple of days, the RIU registration process has changed. RIU no longer appears to use http://www.aweber.com/ to obtain (resell?) our registration information. Perhaps another cash cow has been butchered ;)

I was (finally) able to register by reloading any RIU page (not from the local cache) and selecting the "Register" text at the top of every page (https://www.rollitup.org/register.php). That now takes me to the new registration process which, while it wouldn't work on Safari on my old iPhone (can't type in an email address in either field, for some reason), did work for FireFox 4.01 for Mac.

I did find the lack of response from the site's admin disturbing, though.
thanks for this post..I have been trying to sign up for over a month have not been able to..
These directions work perfect ..Thanks again


Well-Known Member
That shit actually kinda scares me.. now that I sit here and really look at it.

I mean, why would they set it up like that? Almost insists upon itself really.. like they want to be able to get everyone's IP #'s and or hostnames.

I could just be paranoid.. but I mean, think about it.. makes you think. Does to me anyhow..

Hey Buddy... Although I really like rollitup, it could just be a beautiful farce made by someone with a lot of $ that wants to data mine everything on Marijuana and on Us...