Unannounced Contraband Inspection WTF?!


Well-Known Member
I just watched that video of Michael Badnarik on that constitution website. And that guy makes a lot of since about showing the government that they can't get away with shit, before it gets out of hand. Interactive "Just add tyranny" United States Constitution - AmericasAmerica.org

the video also inspired me to read the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. and 1.8 says... "8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure." '


Well-Known Member
You could try 'canine proofing' your dorm building. Take a plastic bag or sock filled with weed and rub it on everything in the building; other peoples doors, coaches, vents, base boards, everyone's dressers that you have access to, any place that might seem logical to hide weed or to have come into contact with weed. Another idea is to take stems and seeds and grind them up as fine as you can and then spread this weed dust around the dorm. The idea is to make it so that the drug dog alerts his police officer to everything in the area. It will force the police to have to search instead of the dog (since the dog has been made unreliable), and people are much easier to hide things from than dogs. I don't condone growing in your dorm, it seems like a good way to get caught, but if you do I would suggest making the whole building smell like weed (at least smell like weed to drug dogs). More than likely than not, however, they will never bring a drug dog in, most colleges and apartment complexes have those sort of clauses as just-in-case-we-need-to measures.


Active Member
Good idea man. remember how 100+ students got busted at San Diego State Univ. last year in the Pot bust? Get your education, plant some seeds in the woods and go visit them there.


Well-Known Member
That pot bust in San Diego was a general drug bust. The police were breaking up drug dealing groups in frats. They were selling weed, cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy, hash, meth, and prescription drugs. The DEA also found some guns. It wasn't a pot-head round-up, it was a long term investigation into drug dealers at the university. Heres a good link about it 96 arrested in San Diego State drug bust - Los Angeles Times.