Unattended plants growing in the wild.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share some pictures of plants growing outdoors that are not attended to. No ferts - no watering other than mother nature's rain, just growing like a weed - like they should! How dare the goverenment tell mother nature what she can & can't do - they will eventually pay dearly for their actions!
if you're gonna go natural, why not go all the way? Supplying a grow medium for your plant is hardly natural especially MG!?!? Like homey said, you're gonna have problems with males.

Why do so many people think that growing ganja is as easy as tossing seeds into the ground and coming back months later to reap the rewards? Your plants that go to male have the chance of fucking up other people's patches that could be within striking distance of male plant' pollen.

If you wanna play "Johnny Appleseed", you do a 'drive by' your local police station. Toss out as many seeds as possible on the grounds of the police station, or your county government building.


New Member
if you're gonna go natural, why not go all the way? Supplying a grow medium for your plant is hardly natural especially MG!?!? Like homey said, you're gonna have problems with males.

Why do so many people think that growing ganja is as easy as tossing seeds into the ground and coming back months later to reap the rewards? Your plants that go to male have the chance of fucking up other people's patches that could be within striking distance of male plant' pollen.

If you wanna play "Johnny Appleseed", you do a 'drive by' your local police station. Toss out as many seeds as possible on the grounds of the police station, or your county government building.

mg soil is fine for outdoor plants of some decent starting size to em(so it dont burn them). It only feeds veg nutes for 4 months adn thats plenty of time from april to aug/sep/nov for the veg nutrients to get out of the soil for flowering.

Lots of people amend the soil for plants that they are going to let the rain water and remain unattended. I do it myself for bigger guerrilla grows. Much less chance getting caught if you use moisture rocks and just let nature do the watering....

but your right, Id be super pissed if someone elses males seed my ladies. Even more pissed if I found out that they just threw out seeds and never came back to cull the males and my shit got fucked up...


Active Member
I recently planted some seeds in the forest by my house, it is right by a creek and the growing season starts right about now, so I am hopeing for a sprout, I just moved the grassweed away and planted them in the soil.


New Member
I recently planted some seeds in the forest by my house, it is right by a creek and the growing season starts right about now, so I am hopeing for a sprout, I just moved the grassweed away and planted them in the soil.
I find that the areas right next to creeks dont get enough light for cannabis unless there is a like 20ft break in the canopy above it. But thats generally and not in all cases too. Hopefully your spot will work out well for ya

horn worms... a.k.a. tomato worms are not attracted to marijuana.
I saw something similar to them eat a buddies plant before. I dunno about attracted to marijuana or not but I know the damn things killed his plant, they looked just like that too.

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Pot has become popular enough that even people who have never smoked it a day in their life know what it looks like and their are alot of bastardly people (more than you think) who have a moral objection to pot and deem it their own responsibility to become a civilian DEA investigator and remove it. I wouldn't say hiding it in plain sight is a good technique for the obsessive guerrilla grower, such as myself. All the power to you, but all it takes is for some teenagers to go dicking around in the woods behind that mall or some bored hiker or mall patron going wandering around the forest for your grow to be compromised. Eventually, you may start seeing garbage around your spot and next thing you know someone will pull it or steal it from you.

This is all hypothetical, however.


Well-Known Member
O.K. - seems to be much criticism over my idea. I don't expect to get anything off those plants - they are experimental. I grow inside for actual harvests! Growing outside is a risk anywhere it's illegal. I would like others to find them - I want them to grow naturally. Cannabis is a beautiful plant that everyone should be able to enjoy if they so wish. To all you guerilla grower's complaining that you would be pissed off if a male pollinated your crop,well grow inside. Do you think every male is pulled up in places where it grows wild like Jamacia - I don't. I mean I'm not tryin' to be ignorant, but if it weren't for Cannabis plants making seeds & reproducing you wouldn't even know about it right now because the species would have died long ago so just think about that before you think males are so bad. They create balance - balance is the key to a succesful species.


Well-Known Member
To ckys - The shopping center is fine, but thanx for your concern. Growing outside is so simple - listen - not on your property, multiple small sites(so you don't have worry if some get busted), make sure you put some in obvious places to get busted(this makes your other spots less suspicious), watch people watching you. You will probably take this the wrong way, but I'll actually tell people I'm growing because I know my rights - If you can't prove it then it's not mine - I'll tell that to any cop or anyone else for that matter. I actually have someone checking me out now, but they don't know I know that they are watching. Just like chess strategic moves will keep you safe.


New Member
O.K. - seems to be much criticism over my idea. I don't expect to get anything off those plants - they are experimental. I grow inside for actual harvests! Growing outside is a risk anywhere it's illegal. I would like others to find them - I want them to grow naturally. Cannabis is a beautiful plant that everyone should be able to enjoy if they so wish. To all you guerilla grower's complaining that you would be pissed off if a male pollinated your crop,well grow inside. Do you think every male is pulled up in places where it grows wild like Jamacia - I don't. I mean I'm not tryin' to be ignorant, but if it weren't for Cannabis plants making seeds & reproducing you wouldn't even know about it right now because the species would have died long ago so just think about that before you think males are so bad. They create balance - balance is the key to a succesful species.
Sure reproduction is a beautiful thing, sure it is balance to a good as well.
But I dont want someones bagseed seed males seeding my outdoor breeding projects either. I dont have the space to pull an indoor job right now, and I like my personal crop grown outdoors so the uvb helps the plants produce a bit more resin.
I hope to god you dont live around winston- salem, north carolina.
IF not then Im good and we wont have any problems...
Im just saying make sure there isnt anyone with something more important then seeing a plant grow naturally around there. You can do that anywhere but those few males that come up could fuck up indoor grows withing a mile of there as well.


Well-Known Member
You don't have space? Growing a big crop to make some money perhaps? I mean for personal amounts you only need like a very small space. I don't live anywhere near you, but there could be someone thinkin' like me near you so don't get to comfy. You might have "problems" with that person. Look I'm not going to argue about this - it's already done - Nature was growing seedless crops long before you & I'm sure my few plants won't destroy anyone's profits.


New Member
You don't have space? Growing a big crop to make some money perhaps? I mean for personal amounts you only need like a very small space. I don't live anywhere near you, but there could be someone thinkin' like me near you so don't get to comfy. You might have "problems" with that person. Look I'm not going to argue about this - it's already done - Nature was growing seedless crops long before you & I'm sure my few plants won't destroy anyone's profits.
no the space isnt as much the issue I could always make more space, adding a room to the house would be no problem. More of I dont want to risk my children that stay in the home.
I dont sell my weed, shit takes too much hard work and love to grow, so no one would want to pay what I would want for it.
If you weren't paying attention I said I wouldn't want shit plants seeding my plants that I am breeding. Which means not a crop of sensimilla but several plants I am pollinating just for the seeds.


New Member
i was woundering is it to late to put out sum 2 week olds

its never TOO late. I know someone who dosent put out plants untill 1 month before they will start flowering. He uses bushes near a creek for cover so he dosent plant till the year is almost over. That way his plants stay lower than the heigth of his cover bushes.

In order to get a good yield he just makes severall patches and keeps them all small. He ends up getting about 6 ounces per patch with each plant weighing in @ 1/4 of an ounce dry.


Active Member
its never TOO late. I know someone who dosent put out plants untill 1 month before they will start flowering. He uses bushes near a creek for cover so he dosent plant till the year is almost over. That way his plants stay lower than the heigth of his cover bushes.

In order to get a good yield he just makes severall patches and keeps them all small. He ends up getting about 6 ounces per patch with each plant weighing in @ 1/4 of an ounce dry.

damn, thanx man.. i will have pics up of my first outdoor grow later on


Well-Known Member
it's never too late huh? don't believe that.

say i grow a plant inside for a month and throw it out in august, when plants around here start to flower.... you don't think it's going to take a few weeks to get used to having moon light and any other ambient light during it's dark period outside? affecting flowering... can't add time to the end of fall.


Well-Known Member
from the 1st state huh?

i live like 20 mins from thier. haha.

and im doing the same thing. just wild plants.

but i will kill all males and hermies.


New Member
it's never too late huh? don't believe that.

say i grow a plant inside for a month and throw it out in august, when plants around here start to flower.... you don't think it's going to take a few weeks to get used to having moon light and any other ambient light during it's dark period outside? affecting flowering... can't add time to the end of fall.
whereas I understand what your saying doc, I believe you can start a grow up to a month and a half away from fall (2 months before fall usually if using seed though) As long as there is @ least 1 month and a half to veg, I put plants outside all through out the spring summer. In fact Ill be starting some more seeds myself soon. The light cycles are just getting good for growth here, before now we had like 12-13 hours of sun a day (of course I put mine out too early and the stretched........:evil:, next year im waiting a month after the last frost to be sure:hump:)

damn, thanx man.. i will have pics up of my first outdoor grow later on
when you do come back here and give use a link to it.