Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


Active Member
I know bagseeds are potluck anyways...but assuming i have a few (100+) with similiar characteristics, would i expect roughly the same yield/quality/flowering time etc... indoor [400w in a 4x2], as i got with my outdoor last year? (same veg time, same everything, just indoor v. out)

the OD was started late in the season, moved outdoors in august and flowered for a full 12 weeks but never fully ripened b4 weather facilitated her destiny....now for my winter grow ive got the same seeds inside, 6 weeks in and budding nicely but slowww, upping my nutes as leafs are beginning to yellow farrr to soon (only nutes so far has been blood and bone meal in soil since potted)...im just curious as to what i should expect
(pics in sig but dont feel obligated, im no spammer!) thnk u for any and all help


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to step on UB toes but I can say from experience, No. You will not get the same yield under artificial lighting as you do under the sun. There are some new digital (hot-start approved) lamps that are coming out soon with a much fuller light spectrum in each lamp but I'm betting even then, the sun will rule. What I can say is with proper ventilation and a good reflector you should be able to get at least .5 grams per without a lot of trouble.

As UB preaches, keep as much foliage as possible clear to the end.

You've grabbed onto a great resource here in UB. While I am still up in the air about some of his suggestions on light absorption I believe he is above reproach when it comes to basic plant nutrition and debunking snake oil additives and poorly compiled "canna" nutes. I find it almost comical that you can buy a low N fert and then get sold an amino acid additive to try and supply what the plant makes in abundance given enough Nitrogen.

edit: I'll take a peak at yer journal, too.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the thread fellas. Good info too...... I'll go with doogleaf on the yield ditty, especially if the outdoor plant is in the ground. The whole is equal to the sum of the parts.

Make it a great day,


Well-Known Member
Seems I just keep thanking you, got my copy of mel's book that you mentioned and all I can say is WOW, what an eye opener. Best book I've read so far! This should have been the BIBLE (and I have both that are called bibles)

I could not put it down, it brought everything I have learned in my research and on this forum in perspective, so many things just clicked for me. Also first book I have read that dispells the myths and explains so much the whys and wherefores. I now better understand why, you do what you do here :weed:

To every one that reads any of Uncle Bens threads and/or post BUY THIS BOOK !!! you want bigger buds, you want more potent yields right? YOU WANT THIS BOOK! I got a used copy from Amazon for $5.99

UB Have the very best happy new year possible!


Well-Known Member
To every one that reads any of Uncle Bens threads and/or post BUY THIS BOOK !!! you want bigger buds, you want more potent yields right? YOU WANT THIS BOOK! I got a used copy from Amazon for $5.99

UB Have the very best happy new year possible!
What's the name of the book? I wasn't lazy; I just couldn't find the title mentioned anywhere...


Well-Known Member
marijuana grower's insider's guide by Mel Frank

UB has mentioned it twice in the last 3 weeks (I read all his post, I like drama)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Seems I just keep thanking you, got my copy of mel's book that you mentioned and all I can say is WOW, what an eye opener. Best book I've read so far! This should have been the BIBLE (and I have both that are called bibles)

I could not put it down, it brought everything I have learned in my research and on this forum in perspective, so many things just clicked for me. Also first book I have read that dispells the myths and explains so much the whys and wherefores. I now better understand why, you do what you do here :weed:

To every one that reads any of Uncle Bens threads and/or post BUY THIS BOOK !!! you want bigger buds, you want more potent yields right? YOU WANT THIS BOOK! I got a used copy from Amazon for $5.99

UB Have the very best happy new year possible!
Consider that recommendation another one of my tweeks. Knowledge is power.

IMO, it's the best book in print and the noob's shortcut to success. It's an old book (1982), and very well written. How about the chapter on strains by country, or deficiencies, or the charts, etc.! I mean, holy guano batman! Mel Frank is truly a master gardener. After years of intensive gardening experience under my belt I can go back to that guide and confirm even more what a botanical genius he is. His gardening knowledge transcends to ALL plant material, not just cannabis, and that is the beauty of that book. He's all about gardening sans the usual hype. Fact that it's half price is incredible. http://www.redeyepress.com/htm/halfprice.htm

Happy New Year to you too!


Well-Known Member
Hell the chapter on Nutes is worth the $$$ alone

Hey Noob's it actually teaches you how to learn to read the plants for when and how much to feed

and now I finally understand the importance of N

and what about the Shelf grow room UB (which is awesome) something I have not seen any growers doing (other than clones)

I could go on and on

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hell the chapter on Nutes is worth the $$$ alone

Hey Noob's it actually teaches you how to learn to read the plants for when and how much to feed
Yep, now you know why I preach my gospel so much, "learn to read your plants". That's what it's all about. Cannabis should be thought of as a flowering foliage plant, it requires quite a bit of N. Riddle me riddleme, where in the hell did the Dutch....canna, AN, GH, FF, Humboldt, etc. come up with their wacked out formulas. When in the hell is K more important than N when you're trying to produce and support foliage? It's frickin' stupid! It's like they don't know a damn thing about botany. They are very good when it comes to marketing.


Well-Known Member
Yep, now you know why I preach my gospel so much, "learn to read your plants". That's what it's all about. Cannabis should be thought of as a flowering foliage plant, it requires quite a bit of N. Riddle me riddleme, where in the hell did the Dutch....canna, AN, GH, FF, Humboldt, etc. come up with their wacked out formulas. When in the hell is K more important than N when you're trying to produce and support foliage? It's frickin' stupid! It's like they don't know a damn thing about botany. They are very good when it comes to marketing.
I think its amazing when people say, "Weed doesnt use nitrogen during flower." Yet we all know why leaves turn yellow..because theres a lack of nitrogen, but somehow they can't put 2 & 2 together. Duh..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I think its amazing when people say, "Weed doesnt use nitrogen during flower." Yet we all know why leaves turn yellow..because theres a lack of nitrogen, but somehow they can't put 2 & 2 together. Duh..
It speaks volumes about this community. When you put forum paradigms, label names and claims, taking the easy way out gimmicks over common gardening sense (learning what makes a plant tick), you're gonna get yourself into deep doo doo. People are quick to recommend a product probably not even knowing what it contains, like the guy who recently recommended some Magic Green as a foliar spray. Check it out -

I did a cursory seach on it and all I could get was that it contained an anti-transpirant. Says nothing about the mineral content. For starts, anything as dorky as a name like MAGIC Green is enough for me to run away. :D Seems the only magic you'll realize is how fast your money will disappear. :)

But, I kept my mouth shut. Folks seem to get pissed when you call them on the table about such stuff.



Well-Known Member
a little new years bud porn to show what keepin em green does

this is one of my popcorn buds start week 5 tommorow


PS I posted more in my journal


Well-Known Member
marijuana grower's insider's guide by Mel Frank

UB has mentioned it twice in the last 3 weeks (I read all his post, I like drama)
Thanks, riddleme... I'll def. get the book.

I'm subscribed to most of UB's threads - I love the drama, too. And it's a curious point on human nature how many times and ways he explains the same 4-5 fundamental concepts, then someone comes weighing in..."I'm feeding my plants 2-30-12 CannaBlaster, BudBomb SuperMicro's, and Enzyme Ka-Boom, and they're curled under with spots on the leaves. What's wrong with my plants..?"


Well-Known Member
Thanks, riddleme... I'll def. get the book.

I'm subscribed to most of UB's threads - I love the drama, too. And it's a curious point on human nature how many times and ways he explains the same 4-5 fundamental concepts, then someone comes weighing in..."I'm feeding my plants 2-30-12 CannaBlaster, BudBomb SuperMicro's, and Enzyme Ka-Boom, and they're curled under with spots on the leaves. What's wrong with my plants..?"
I think you left out about 6 other boosters ;)


Well-Known Member
UB, I thought you would get a kick out of this picture. Someone on another forum said AN was crap, and this guy replies saying AN is great, yada, yada, and then posts this picture. Im really not sure what he accomplishes by posting the pic. It just makes him look dumber than I thought possible.



Well-Known Member
UB, I thought you would get a kick out of this picture. Someone on another forum said AN was crap, and this guy replies saying AN is great, yada, yada, and then posts this picture. Im really not sure what he accomplishes by posting the pic. It just makes him look dumber than I thought possible.

Wow, there is a couple grand in AN crap on that counter. :dunce:
You could trick out a large room with AC and a CO2 rig; generator, controllers and all, for what he spent in nutrients. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Wow, there is a couple grand in AN crap on that counter. :dunce:
You could trick out a large room with AC and a CO2 rig; generator, controllers and all, for what he spent in nutrients. :wall:
Heh yeah, but I bet he has the best tasting weed, and gets the largest yields ever..:dunce:

Im sure he's never heard that as something becomes more complicated, more problems arise. Theres probably some scientific law or something regarding that, but no clue what it is. Maybe it would classify under murphys law..dunno.