Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well-Known Member
why not top clones-
i do mine with AMAZING results, and yes they have alternating clones, my experience with my strain is that i can top to the third node and expect to get 6 tops every time, top higher than that and it unpredictable

relax guy they'll be fine


Sector 5 Moderator
Maybe it would be a good idea if you read more than the first post before jumping into something. Still, your plants are not as "hurt" as you might suspect and you will still get more bud from them that if you had not topped them.

Uncle Ben, I have a small problem. About 2 weeks ago, I topped 3 of my plants and the clones took root and are about 3-4" taller now and doing amazing. I noticed that on my kushes, one branch of the 4 was gimpy. So rather than tolerate a gimpy cola, I decided to snip it and use it as a clone. I didn't use a dome on the tops and they did fine. I didn't use a dome on the branches I cut either but they are looking like hell. Within an hour they were wilted like I had left them in my car. I misted them with water and Superthrive as soon as I planted them. I used Clonex gel and plugged them into a great organic soil mix. The plants may survive but it would surprise me. Any ideas as to why the branches (8" long avg.) didn't do well?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member

They're being grown in a mix I made up (following some guidlines UB gave me, 6 months or so back) that contains a 3.8 cubic foot bale of Sunshine Mix #2, 2.5 cf bag of MG potting soil, 1 cf bag of steer manure, several cups of blood and bone meal, some dolomitic lime, and around 3 gallons each of perlite and vermiculite. No alfalfa pellets this time.

The plants are 58 days old (from seed in dirt). Around 23 days ago they were pinched to form two main colas. They have had no additional nutrients, minerals, hormones, etc. given to them and have only been watered with rain water or snow melt that I've collected. Could it be that by using this purer water I've deprived them of something essential that they're needing?

Additionally I also have some hot pepper plants that I've started for the out door garden and some of them are growing in a very deformed manner. They're in the same soil and have recieved the same water as the MJ.
I'd say that soil is too hot.

Because I didn't feel like it. RIU does not allow thread starters to edit their posts, go figure.

Hope that helps.

Maybe it would be a good idea if you read more than the first post before jumping into something. Still, your plants are not as "hurt" as you might suspect and you will still get more bud from them that if you had not topped them.

Uncle Ben, I have a small problem. About 2 weeks ago, I topped 3 of my plants and the clones took root and are about 3-4" taller now and doing amazing. I noticed that on my kushes, one branch of the 4 was gimpy. So rather than tolerate a gimpy cola, I decided to snip it and use it as a clone. I didn't use a dome on the tops and they did fine. I didn't use a dome on the branches I cut either but they are looking like hell. Within an hour they were wilted like I had left them in my car. I misted them with water and Superthrive as soon as I planted them. I used Clonex gel and plugged them into a great organic soil mix. The plants may survive but it would surprise me. Any ideas as to why the branches (8" long avg.) didn't do well?
Not really. They need almost 100% RH.

Day to Daze

Active Member
ok look .. i just cant grasp one aspect..

one guy asked "above 3rd node = 8 colas?"
and you said yes...


if there are 2 dormant sites at each node... shouldnt it be
avove the first node is 2 colas
above the second node is 4 colas
and above the third node - 6 colas?

if not why... thats 3 nodes so thats 6 new sites right??????

please tell me you were supposed to answer differently to his qiestion because this has confused me for months...

and dont you dare just tell me to re-read the thread lol... there is no way in hell im going through all that for a 4th time.

i hope someone can reasure me its 6 colas if you top just above the 3rd node.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
one guy asked "above 3rd node = 8 colas?"
and you said yes...
Uhhhhhh, I don't think so. :rolleyes:


if there are 2 dormant sites at each node... shouldnt it be
avove the first node is 2 colas
above the second node is 4 colas
and above the third node - 6 colas?

if not why... thats 3 nodes so thats 6 new sites right??????

please tell me you were supposed to answer differently to his qiestion because this has confused me for months...

and dont you dare just tell me to re-read the thread lol... there is no way in hell im going through all that for a 4th time.

i hope someone can reasure me its 6 colas if you top just above the 3rd node.
I chose the point above the 2nd node as a good point to induce nice chunky colas like that found on an untopped plant. I don't consider a plant having been topped at the 3rd or higher node to be much of anything other than a squatty bushy plant consisting of a bunch of secondary branches versus primaries. It all depends on what kind of output and plant profile you want. My method gives you up to 4 large, chunky colas. When you start going higher than that, the lower node site is like the bastard child of a household, he doesn't get as much gruel as the others and usually ends up retarded and stunted. So 'no', you won't necessarily get 6 main colas if you top above the 3rd node.

Bottom line? Read the damn thread, don't misquote me, go figure why I capitalized all letters in the subject header of "2 or 4 <MAIN> colas" when I first drafted the thread...... and experiment on your own lol.

Good luck,

Day to Daze

Active Member
dont misquote me .. lol .... page 2..... he askes.. above the 3rd node is 8 colas... first word you type is YEAH

Originally Posted by winkdogg420
cut above the third get 8 colas???????????

Yeah, but you'll get small colas and not necessarily dominant ones, just bushy as hell. Your typical main cola on the typical plant is the dominant branch or leader, just as a dominant leader (trunk) on a pecan or oak tree would be. Top (pinch out the top of that leader) and you have just redistributed the ho moans to points (dormant foliar buds) below the cut, which makes for multiple leaders.

ok i get it now. that confused me for so long... i read the thread and i get it all ... i know the thread is about 2-4 colas.. and yeah i know its silly to go above that because there not realy main colas then ... but i always wondered why you agreed with him . ever since i first read it...

its all good i get it all t hanks for the advice.. i just needed to know that 3rd node wasnt 8 colas it realy confused me lol ..

thanks for all your advise...
and ps.. your a smart guy right i get that .. but when you reply to some guys... dont get angry because they dont get it... you speak from your head.. and your head is smarter than most.. im not talking about me.. just other posts i see.. i would be sad if you just said read the thread.

im not having a go sorry... just speaking my mind..

cheers again for clearing that up for me . :)


Active Member
When topping clones do you could every two nodes (that are not at the same height) as a node or do you count each alternate node as a node?

I have a bunch of clones that I plan to top. I will leave 3 on some 4 on others (alternating nodes), just want to know about when to top.


Well-Known Member
When topping clones do you could every two nodes (that are not at the same height) as a node or do you count each alternate node as a node?

I have a bunch of clones that I plan to top. I will leave 3 on some 4 on others (alternating nodes), just want to know about when to top.
I have yet to top a clone, but I would count out that you have exactly 4 axillary shoot locations below the point you plan on topping at. So you should have 4 leaves below the location where you are topping, and from their axil's will arise 4 potential tops. Let me know how well your clones turn out after topping. Ill be taking clones sometime next week, and would love to see how well yours turn out before I top.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
dont misquote me .. lol .... page 2..... he askes.. above the 3rd node is 8 colas... first word you type is YEAH
"Yeah" as in a more bushy plant. There is no way you'll get 8 colas topping above the 3rd node. Every node has 2 dormant buds.

Don't know why anyone would top plants with alternate phytollaxy.



Active Member
dave, I'm not asking how many to leave, I'm asking how many to have in total before I top.

With seeds I counted each two branches as a node, with clones they are not two by two, but singe branches. Do I count each branch as a node or each two (like with seeds).

I have already been leaving 3 on some and 4 on some with great results. I just want to know when is the best time...

Like with a seed if we go for six nodes, there are 12 branches. On my clone there would be six branches.


Well-Known Member
dave, I'm not asking how many to leave, I'm asking how many to have in total before I top.

With seeds I counted each two branches as a node, with clones they are not two by two, but singe branches. Do I count each branch as a node or each two (like with seeds).

I have already been leaving 3 on some and 4 on some with great results. I just want to know when is the best time...

Like with a seed if we go for six nodes, there are 12 branches. On my clone there would be six branches.
Ill see if I can help out any. Im not sure if two alternating leaves is a node, or if it is considered two, but either way, just make sure you have 4 leaves, which would give us 4 dormant shoots that can grow out after topping.

As when to top, just treat them like a plant from seed. When they have a strong root system, I would top them. If your growing hydro, then its easy to tell when you've got a good root system. If its soil, then Im sure you can figure it out as you've already got experience topping plants from seed.


Active Member
I'm thinking that I'll count each single shoot the same way I'd treat each two shoots from a seed. Basically when my plants are about 12 inch tall I'll cut them. Like you said, it is about topping the plant when it is ready and established.


New Member
Nice topping technique...I will have to try the 2nd true node...flowering time has to do with genetics and environmental factors....


Well-Known Member
Has anyone show a side-by-side comparison to prove that 4 colas are going to yield more than one large one all other things being equal, i.e. same lighting, nutes, pot size and identical root mass, etc. The amount of energy it can take in through fan leaves and it's root system is going to be limited by light, water and nutrients, not by it's geometry... or will it?
I can see how topping can help fill in certain areas, keep a tall plant shorter, and may allow a person to utilize his space and lighting more efficiently and probably some other helpful things but UB is implying (if not directly saying) that four is better than one given the same plant and I don't understand how and would like evidence that it does.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Has anyone show a side-by-side comparison to prove that 4 colas are going to yield more than one large one all other things being equal, i.e. same lighting, nutes, pot size and identical root mass, etc. The amount of energy it can take in through fan leaves and it's root system is going to be limited by light, water and nutrients, not by it's geometry... or will it?
I can see how topping can help fill in certain areas, keep a tall plant shorter, and may allow a person to utilize his space and lighting more efficiently and probably some other helpful things but UB is implying (if not directly saying) that four is better than one given the same plant and I don't understand how and would like evidence that it does.
Been discussed before in this thread. For many reasons, there is no way any one can compare yield of a single versus a quad. I "feel" there is a definate increase in yield for a quad versus a single.



Well-Known Member
Been discussed before in this thread. For many reasons, there is no way any one can compare yield of a single versus a quad. I "feel" there is a definate increase in yield for a quad versus a single.

Thank you for the honest and quick reply. I was sure the question had been asked, I even did a little searching first but didn't find it.
Some of these long stickied threads need their own FAQ/index :)


Active Member
just a quik and simple question.
when is it too late to top? Ive had my latest cali dream clones vegging for 2 weeks and they already have several sets of branches ( they're about 12" tall),
If i top this late will it have a negative impact? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
just a quik and simple question.
when is it too late to top? Ive had my latest cali dream clones vegging for 2 weeks and they already have several sets of branches ( they're about 12" tall),
If i top this late will it have a negative impact? thanks in advance
It depends on how much longer you are wanting to veg. If your goal was to flower now, then its probably not worth it as it'll probably take 2 more weeks before you have enough new growth to make it worth it. Now if your goal is to grow a big tree inside that you veg for 3 months, then id say go for it.
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