Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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You cut the top off a shoot on your plant leaving 2 ,3 or 4 shoots below it. Then you cut your clone below that leaving 2, 3 or 4 tops. Root them then plant them giving you a true two main cola plant that you dont have to hack right when the plant just starts growing well.

Personal issues aside, can you expand on this method? I am not sure I completely understand... When you say "below it" and "below that", what do you mean?

Are you saying, take a mother, make a big cutting with 5 nodes, then top the cutting so it has 3 nodes left and place it to root? I assume the lowest node is removed and placed in rooting medium. So you're left with a 2 node (above surface) topped clone that is waiting to root. Did I get that right?
K UB I give I got a box of AN Koolaid worth roughly ( worth, I mean cost me at least) $350 that is rapidly growing moldy for the most part. Got my Jacks Classic 2 part and some 30-10-10. Cost me under 30 bucks delivered. I've topped using your method twice both times with no discernable stress to the plant just like you said. This last variety however is a thai sativa that required me to tie the 4 mains down as well to control height. Looking forward to trying Jacks Bloom Booster. btw can you mix it with Bushmaster? Hahaha I funny.... anyway Cheers UB
ps not trying to start a Advanced Nutrient shitstorm but it's not for me and my buckets of soil..
UB gets banned for arguing. Last time I come on this site. Later assholes, hyou just ruined this site for me nd many others ...fuckin losers
This is not a thread about cloning kid. The thread has been titled Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to get 2 or 4 MAIN colas. If you're lost perhaps someone can help you find your way.

Yes and the title is whats most amusing about your whole thread. This isnt "unclue Bens technique" at all. You are just posting up known and old school topping techniques and coming in here claiming them as yours. So since you are just posting up old tecniques I thought it would help the majority of readers to know there is a easier and more efficient way to achieve better more consistant results. Trying to actually help save these people time . Hypocritcal much Ben ? I am being down right nice and civil compared to all your rants in other threads.

Personal issues aside, can you expand on this method? I am not sure I completely understand... When you say "below it" and "below that", what do you mean?

Are you saying, take a mother, make a big cutting with 5 nodes, then top the cutting so it has 3 nodes left and place it to root? I assume the lowest node is removed and placed in rooting medium. So you're left with a 2 node (above surface) topped clone that is waiting to root. Did I get that right?

I was referring to a mother plant correct. Take a branch and top it like the OP is topping these plants leaving however many nodes you want on your plant. Then make your cut where you would normally take for your clone. Then put it in your medium or cloner and voila you have a 2,3 or 4 tops on it. You dont have to veg your plant this way and hack off a bunch of veg growth. Its just more efficient and I also found the plants to be much more consistant at producing more even sized buds the the other method OP uses.
UB gets banned for arguing. Last time I come on this site. Later assholes, hyou just ruined this site for me nd many others ...fuckin losers

For real? UB got banned?

I was referring to a mother plant correct. Take a branch and top it like the OP is topping these plants leaving however many nodes you want on your plant. Then make your cut where you would normally take for your clone. Then put it in your medium or cloner and voila you have a 2,3 or 4 tops on it. You dont have to veg your plant this way and hack off a bunch of veg growth. Its just more efficient and I also found the plants to be much more consistant at producing more even sized buds the the other method OP uses.

Ok, thanks. I guess first you TOP the (clone target) branch on the mother and then you cut the clone. Makes sense to me.
I was referring to a mother plant correct. Take a branch and top it like the OP is topping these plants leaving however many nodes you want on your plant. Then make your cut where you would normally take for your clone. Then put it in your medium or cloner and voila you have a 2,3 or 4 tops on it. You dont have to veg your plant this way and hack off a bunch of veg growth. Its just more efficient and I also found the plants to be much more consistant at producing more even sized buds the the other method OP uses.
lovely...your giving advice on a sticky'd thread made by the guy you participated in getting banned while saying the method in this thread is wrong....if the TOS guidelines say that insulting a person is worthy of banning someone...how are you not insulting every person that has followed this thread? according to the definition of the word id say yes...but im not power hungry nor get to pick and choose what i see as an insult and ban accordingly.
lovely...your giving advice on a sticky'd thread made by the guy you participated in getting banned while saying the method in this thread is wrong....if the TOS guidelines say that insulting a person is worthy of banning someone...how are you not insulting every person that has followed this thread? according to the definition of the word id say yes...but im not power hungry nor get to pick and choose what i see as an insult and ban accordingly.

can you even define "power hungry" in this particular situation?

the dude stated his way was to insult. when politely asked not to he refused. where is the "hunger" part? what does that even mean?
Ive learned tons of stuff from a couple of users on this site and have
benefited greatly from it now these guys are gone its time
to move on
Like i really need this shit anyway
Thanks ub
p.s never buy into the market when buying plant food its utter bullshit
its a plant for fuck sake
he asked to be banned. said he had invites to insult people at other sites. he's not mad, why is everybody else?

Never did I "ask" anything of the sort. You got pressured by a few members then threatened me with a ban, I said "fine", "you do what you have to do", and the next thing you know I'm banned....no PM's, no emails, no discussion.

can you even define "power hungry" in this particular situation?
Damn straight, and so can my friends.

lovely...your giving advice on a sticky'd thread made by the guy you participated in getting banned while saying the method in this thread is wrong....if the TOS guidelines say that insulting a person is worthy of banning someone...how are you not insulting every person that has followed this thread? according to the definition of the word id say yes...but im not power hungry nor get to pick and choose what i see as an insult and ban accordingly.

Thank you for your clear head. I don't know what's going on around here, I do know politics are at play and a mod is being used as a tool by a small group of members. I also know that you just don't do a knee jerk reaction and ban someone who has contributed so much to this site for "arguing and insulting" while others get a pass. That's being power hungry. I guess RIU or potroast caught what was going down because yesterday I was banned with the notice upon trying to log in - "banned=for insubordination", "ban lifted=never".

May all your gardens be real.

Peace, love and rock-n-roll,
Uncle Ben
K UB I give I got a box of AN Koolaid worth roughly ( worth, I mean cost me at least) $350 that is rapidly growing moldy for the most part.

Sorry to hear about another sad story regarding the use of products from one of the oil companys. Sounds like you've cut your losses and moved on. Good on ya!

Got my Jacks Classic 2 part and some 30-10-10. Cost me under 30 bucks delivered.
Yep. I turned Bricktop on to the Blossom Booster many years ago and he's been singing my praises ever since lol. It's good stuff and a solid product whose market is general gardeners.

I've topped using your method twice both times with no discernable stress to the plant just like you said.
Yeah, topping doesn't induce stress nor does it necessarily slow down plant growth UNLESS you were having vigor problems going in to the topping session. At my old age, I'm a topping mofo. Seriously, I'm gonna toot my horn. I understand hormonal responses and have topped and trained literally thousands of trees and other plant material to shape them into a profile I want. For example, just got through pruning peach trees and the last 4 days have been spent pruning grape vines which are coming out of dormancy.

Ive learned tons of stuff from a couple of users on this site and have
benefited greatly from it now these guys are gone its time
to move on
Like i really need this shit anyway
Thanks ub
p.s never buy into the market when buying plant food its utter bullshit
its a plant for fuck sake

You're welcome, and good luck!

Sorry to hear about another sad story regarding the use of products from one of the oil companys. Sounds like you've cut your losses and moved on. Good on ya!

Yep. I turned Bricktop on to the Blossom Booster many years ago and he's been singing my praises ever since lol. It's good stuff and a solid product whose market is general gardeners.

Yeah, topping doesn't induce stress nor does it necessarily slow down plant growth UNLESS you were having vigor problems going in to the topping. At my old age, I'm a topping mofo. Seriously, I'm gonna toot my horn. I understand hormonal responses and have topped and trained literally thousands of trees and other plant material to shape them into a profile I want. For example, just got through pruning peach trees and the last 4 days have been spent pruning grape vines which are coming out of dormancy.

You're welcome, and good luck!


This is a post I did in another forum. im out too this place bites. UB let me know wher you go please I gave illumination my email address:is it me, or are all the people that promote Jack's ferts disappearing from this site recently. You see, it's all about money people. The people on this site(the ones running it),are no better than exxon, microsoft, ge, or any other corporation. They want you to think its all about the movement to legalize it, but the truth is if that happened, they would be out of business. Think about it. The marijuana specific fertilizer manufacturers, or re-distributors, use these forums to promote their products. They have people planted in these forums. If you are a prominent member of these forums and you start talking about things that take money out of their pockets, like buying tested and true products like J. R. Peters fertilizers, (oh, forgot to mention the seed sellers, they suck too), they only have two choices, they can either recruit you to sell their products, or if you won't spread their lies to sell their over-priced, inferior, designer label garbage, they will use their planted salesmen to get you banned like they did to Uncle Ben last night. Yes it's true, the best gardener on this site was banned because he crusaded against the marijuana specific fertilizer manufacturers and their snake oils. This site is garbage just like AN, Fox Farms, Humboldt Nutrients and several other corporate opportunists. This will be my last post here. After a lengthy discussion with one of the moderators last night, I now realize I had also been duped into thinking this was a site that was uniting us mj legalization supporters. It's not... it is all about the money. Good
This is a post I did in another forum. im out too this place bites. UB let me know wher you go please I gave illumination my email address:is it me, or are all the people that promote Jack's ferts disappearing from this site recently. You see, it's all about money people. The people on this site(the ones running it),are no better than exxon, microsoft, ge, or any other corporation. They want you to think its all about the movement to legalize it, but the truth is if that happened, they would be out of business. Think about it. The marijuana specific fertilizer manufacturers, or re-distributors, use these forums to promote their products. They have people planted in these forums. If you are a prominent member of these forums and you start talking about things that take money out of their pockets, like buying tested and true products like J. R. Peters fertilizers, (oh, forgot to mention the seed sellers, they suck too), they only have two choices, they can either recruit you to sell their products, or if you won't spread their lies to sell their over-priced, inferior, designer label garbage, they will use their planted salesmen to get you banned like they did to Uncle Ben last night. Yes it's true, the best gardener on this site was banned because he crusaded against the marijuana specific fertilizer manufacturers and their snake oils. This site is garbage just like AN, Fox Farms, Humboldt Nutrients and several other corporate opportunists. This will be my last post here. After a lengthy discussion with one of the moderators last night, I now realize I had also been duped into thinking this was a site that was uniting us mj legalization supporters. It's not... it is all about the money. Good

Couldn't have said it better!

Regarding RIU, I understand they have to pay the bills and I have no problem with their ads. Just another (off topic) thought about the dynamics of cannabis forums - in a nutshell you defined the dynamics perfectly well. Excellent post! I've been a part of admin at another site and posted to about 8 of them over 15 years or so. Each site has its own view of the world and its the mods' duties to enforce that mindset, to be thought police as well as trying to maintain order. That "thought" structure is based on the mindset of the community what I call The Herd. If The Herd is comprised primarily of eco wackos, then you best get rid of the guy that keeps preaching Monsanto products. If you're pushing the Oil companies, then you best get rid of the guy that is exposing them for what they are and offering other vendors like Jacks, Schultz, Miracle Gro or Dyna-Gro. It's all about politics, which rule the world and sub-cultures like cannabis forums. This isn't a democracy, it's a theocracy.

Heres hoping RIU can return itself to a fair and balanced website.

Jest my dos centavos,
I see u regulary still post to this thread if i send a photo of my biggest seedling would u mind point out if its toppable yet and were i should do it ? itll me 3 weeks in a few days
Couldn't have said it better!

Regarding RIU, I understand they have to pay the bills and I have no problem with their ads. Just another (off topic) thought about the dynamics of cannabis forums - in a nutshell you defined the dynamics perfectly well. Excellent post! I've been a part of admin at another site and posted to about 8 of them over 15 years or so. Each site has its own view of the world and its the mods' duties to enforce that mindset, to be thought police as well as trying to maintain order. That "thought" structure is based on the mindset of the community what I call The Herd. If The Herd is comprised primarily of eco wackos, then you best get rid of the guy that keeps preaching Monsanto products. If you're pushing the Oil companies, then you best get rid of the guy that is exposing them for what they are and offering other vendors like Jacks, Schultz, Miracle Gro or Dyna-Gro. It's all about politics, which rule the world and sub-cultures like cannabis forums. This isn't a democracy, it's a theocracy.

Heres hoping RIU can return itself to a fair and balanced website.

Jest my dos centavos,

Well said, Bill O'reilly, I mean UB, still watching out for the folks.
I use Jack's and I top like UB's thread. I also rant against the bullshit snake oil like AN. UB has helped me many times.
Sound like somebody got their panties in a bunch & whined to a Mod. So many kids with no clue about Botany.
Well, it worked great for me on all of my 9 plants. Here are some pics, 1 week flowering indica about 11" tall.

Couldn't have said it better!

Regarding RIU, I understand they have to pay the bills and I have no problem with their ads. Just another (off topic) thought about the dynamics of cannabis forums - in a nutshell you defined the dynamics perfectly well. Excellent post! I've been a part of admin at another site and posted to about 8 of them over 15 years or so. Each site has its own view of the world and its the mods' duties to enforce that mindset, to be thought police as well as trying to maintain order. That "thought" structure is based on the mindset of the community what I call The Herd. If The Herd is comprised primarily of eco wackos, then you best get rid of the guy that keeps preaching Monsanto products. If you're pushing the Oil companies, then you best get rid of the guy that is exposing them for what they are and offering other vendors like Jacks, Schultz, Miracle Gro or Dyna-Gro. It's all about politics, which rule the world and sub-cultures like cannabis forums. This isn't a democracy, it's a theocracy.

Heres hoping RIU can return itself to a fair and balanced website.

Jest my dos centavos,

I have come to ur thread several times, only today because I saw it under new posts & thought I would read the last page or so to see what was new. WOWZA, banning, all this crap, what a waste of time, energy, & bullshit. Keep on keeping on. Keep expressing your opinions, u & everyone else. WTF is wrong w/people these days to let words, get under their skin & cry to "momma & pappa mods". WTF, don't people believe in & understand the basics of freedom of speech? Well UB if u ever got permanently banned from this site then it would obviously be a waste of time for anybody...to contribute for months/years, become PART of the community, only to be what left in the cold? Let's hope this really NEVER comes to fruit, otherwise I would as well be OUTTA here. Someone who contributes nothing to the site & is only vulgar & abusive, etc. banning them is one thing, or someone that likes nothing better to do then constantly create drama, again fine, boot them. But simply speaking out about ur likes/dislikes when it comes to ANYTHING mj growing related....ummm isnt that the REAL reason this site/forum exists? YES IT IS!!!!! Peace UB :)
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