Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well-Known Member
Hey just wondering I topped my plants and used your method, but if I need ti prune again should I just top them normally?


Well-Known Member
I love this thread and thanks to UB! I am starting a new grow and have questions. I have a small area 2' deep 4' wide and 6' tall. I've always used T5 flouro but have just bought a 400 W HPS and cool tube which I intend to us for this grow. I'd like to do 4 plants (AK48) and top just above node 2 after the 5th node appears as described on page 1. I'd like to use 3 gal nursery pots and observe sound botanical practices. I plan to veg for a while after topping and before cycling down to 12/12. Do I have enough space in my area? I think yes but I've never used this technique or grown AK48 before. A few years back I grew 10 Barney's Farm Blue Cheese in that box under T5's and no topping. Results were actually good but it was too crowded and the untopped plants stretched in different amounts and T5 light doesn't have the best strength for flowering but my wife and were high for a year from that grow. I'd welcome any advice. Thanks, HH


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna be the asshole who changes the topic...
Kite, you have any threads on your setup?. I'm interested in your vert garden..

I've played with some stadium type grows, never a real vert though. I might be getting a little more room to play in the near future. So, it's an option..


Well-Known Member
Since we were talking about it recently. I came across an article from UC Davis that stated oils such as neem oil and wettable sulphur sprays should not be applied within two weeks of one another as it can injure the plant. The same article also said not to apply a sulphur spray when temperature were near or over 90 degrees F. Just thought I'd share incase there were any interested parties.

Pest Notes: Powdery Mildew on Vegetables
UC ANR Publication 7406
Authors: R. M. Davis, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; W. D. Gubler, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; S. T. Koike, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey County

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I love this thread and thanks to UB! I am starting a new grow and have questions. I have a small area 2' deep 4' wide and 6' tall. I've always used T5 flouro but have just bought a 400 W HPS and cool tube which I intend to us for this grow. I'd like to do 4 plants (AK48) and top just above node 2 after the 5th node appears as described on page 1. I'd like to use 3 gal nursery pots and observe sound botanical practices. I plan to veg for a while after topping and before cycling down to 12/12. Do I have enough space in my area? I think yes but I've never used this technique or grown AK48 before. A few years back I grew 10 Barney's Farm Blue Cheese in that box under T5's and no topping. Results were actually good but it was too crowded and the untopped plants stretched in different amounts and T5 light doesn't have the best strength for flowering but my wife and were high for a year from that grow. I'd welcome any advice. Thanks, HH
If it was me I'd grow 2 maybe 3 "large" plants. If you have the right hood that 400W will cover quite a bit more footprint than 8 s.f.

Good luck!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Since we were talking about it recently. I came across an article from UC Davis that stated oils such as neem oil and wettable sulphur sprays should not be applied within two weeks of one another as it can injure the plant. The same article also said not to apply a sulphur spray when temperature were near or over 90 degrees F. Just thought I'd share incase there were any interested parties.

Pest Notes: Powdery Mildew on Vegetables
UC ANR Publication 7406
Authors: R. M. Davis, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; W. D. Gubler, Plant Pathology, UC Davis; S. T. Koike, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey County
This is being recommended by pros (tropical fruits) in another forum I post to - http://www.agbio-inc.com/agri-fos.html

I tell you what, I've had enough phytotoxicity issues in the last few weeks to last a lifetime. You really need to test whatever product is new to you on a few flagged branches, both new developing foliage and hardened off foliage. For instance, I've burned the crap out of cannabis with Safer's Soap, which stands to reason - it's a caustic soap type product.


Hi UB great thread by the way. Just got a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind. Do you have much knowledge on UK outdoor grows? It's my first time and stumbled upon this thread looking for good information. I want to top my candy kush plant as described on page 1. I'm just worried if it will be able to handle it in this weather. It's on its 5th node. Also not so relevant to this post do you know why one of the top fan leaves has started to crinkle? Cheers.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
No info on UK outdoor grows but I assume you need to find a mutt with a strong indica influence (quick finisher that flowers easily) and have some fungicides handy, and a pint of 'Old Speckled Hen' would be fittin' too. ;)

Topping or not won't make any difference.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ben do you see less stretching with your method with sativa doms opposed to growing Christmas tree style? Letting the plant do its own thing.

I got over main lining a few months ago. Maybe it was my strains. Mine never looked anything like nugs. I.got big buds. Yield was up and down.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Ben do you see less stretching with your method with sativa doms opposed to growing Christmas tree style? Letting the plant do its own thing.

I got over main lining a few months ago. Maybe it was my strains. Mine never looked anything like nugs. I.got big buds. Yield was up and down.
Don't really see any difference regarding stretching. It's just what cannabis does.


New Member
Hi ben


Q - Is your technique effective with a clone?

A - Only if the cutting (clone) has opposing nodes. Don't expect to get 2 or 4 main colas if the nodes are alternating. You're manipulating the plant's hormonal processes aka "apical dominance". The plant will redistribute the auxins equally to dormant foliar buds.

I disagree with this, you normally only get opposing nodes if growing from seed, a few generations of cuttings only and i only ever have alternating nodes. I still get 4 + main colas of equal height from clones though. I do normally let them get to about a foot high before topping making use of a decent sized clone. i will post a pics tomorrow

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Hi ben


Q - Is your technique effective with a clone?

A - Only if the cutting (clone) has opposing nodes. Don't expect to get 2 or 4 main colas if the nodes are alternating. You're manipulating the plant's hormonal processes aka "apical dominance". The plant will redistribute the auxins equally to dormant foliar buds.

I disagree with this, you normally only get opposing nodes if growing from seed, a few generations of cuttings only and i only ever have alternating nodes. I still get 4 + main colas of equal height from clones though. I do normally let them get to about a foot high before topping making use of a decent sized clone. i will post a pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^ if you have alternating nodes, just pinch the taller branch to slow its growth down.. the lower branch will catch up in a day or 2.Then canopy is even. Auxiins still distribute the same.....

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
The only issue I've had with this techique is when growing with two colas the bud can get so big botrytis is a real concern, its got me twice now. The first time was enough, I've lived in paranoia ever since that day. She still got me again tho :-( Heres four Medicine man aka White Rhino, three with two colas, one with four. Hope you enjoy

Group shot

Big momma, Sour apple bubble gum pheno I shit you not

Bud rot bitch :wall:
Four colas
More White Widow in this one methinks

Some stalk porn to finish

Uncle Ben I thank you again for such a B E A UTIFUL Technique, fcuk-ing killer! Thank you also for all the info you put out as well.
Your posts about snake oils really opened my eyes to
A. The unregulated bullshit the cannabis industry puts out
B. How much of a retard I'd been falling for it.
You've helped me alot with techniques and you've saved me shitloads of money in the long run.
Big respect to you UB, you are da Man

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben I thank you again for such a B E A UTIFUL Technique, fcuk-ing killer! Thank you also for all the info you put out as well.
Your posts about snake oils really opened my eyes to
A. The unregulated bullshit the cannabis industry puts out
B. How much of a retard I'd been falling for it.
You've helped me alot with techniques and you've saved me shitloads of money in the long run.
Big respect to you UB, you are da Man
You're welcome! Happy to see you finally saw the light.
No clue how this site goes but ive been lurkin the thread maybe a month, i just recently topped. But do you have any clue while ruderalis plants flower when they do? I dont buy or use them im just curious as to why the mature in age rather than light. Im wanting to get some kind of degree in botany, anyways maybe theres a thread by you on this if not maybe you could start one. Not too interested in anyone elses opinion unless the facts are straight. Like i said im an aspiring botanist. Thx

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
No clue how this site goes but ive been lurkin the thread maybe a month, i just recently topped. But do you have any clue while ruderalis plants flower when they do? I dont buy or use them im just curious as to why the mature in age rather than light. Im wanting to get some kind of degree in botany, anyways maybe theres a thread by you on this if not maybe you could start one. Not too interested in anyone elses opinion unless the facts are straight. Like i said im an aspiring botanist. Thx
Here's a good place to chew the fat. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/267989-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers-81.html


Well-Known Member
I was running today and noticed massive spider mite infestation on maple trees all over the neighborhood. Massive colonies were talking. I even brush into the maple leafs when they hangover the road or sidewalk.

My first grow ever it felt like i was battling spider mites all grow, using Asamax and predator mites. I was able to control the population pretty good. I was growing AfghanKush.
This grow I have not used any Azamax or anything at all. Not one single spider mite. Im almost offended. lol.

ok here is the quick newb question as I do not want to start a spider mite debate. Is it luck or genetics that i dont have mites? im about a week from harvest

wrong thread whoops, sorry. i got some hilarious ' how not to top' pics coming when i harvest. you have got to see my funky plants. i have one main cola and then a shmorgisboard of other colas... shmorigs is a latin word for shrmorging
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