UncleBucks Bet

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Like u get our humour?
do you call them all 'faggots'?

two tours. have you ever been to america?
I've met more gay people in Europe that called themselves faggots that took it to be a slur, yes.

I am American, dumbass, I just got the fuck out for a while and saw how the other side do it.

Two tours?

Congratulations on killing brown people for oil.
I've met more gay people in Europe that called themselves faggots that took it to be a slur, yes.

I am American, dumbass, I just got the fuck out for a while and saw how the other side do it.

Two tours?

Congratulations on killing brown people for oil.

Another joke or just stupid?
Faggots are a really tasty meatball with herbs in a rich gravy that is a staple of Welsh cuisine. They are delicious and loved by all who try them, a derogatory name for homosexuals in the U.K. Is "gays"
well, i'll have to say kudos now, eddie is a great comedian, and i'd eat him if he were a pork meatball...

you guys got all the best food, faggots and spotted dicks....


and no i'm not joking.
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