UncleBucks Bet

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wow, craziness, if you leave Uncle Buck, good bye and good luck, you made me laugh , you fought hard for your cause, had a strong work ethic like that. I feel so bad for Hillary today. as the days go on and the polls come in, i believe that we will see that her losing had vvery much to do with her being a women... and that just is so depressing. We have such a long way to go still. Take Care!
UncleBuck, I see you've bandied about a $5K bet that HRC will win the election. Here's my gentlemen's bet to you. If Trump wins next Tuesday you leave this site. If HRC wins I'll leave.

What will uncle buck do now? He spends like 200 hrs a week in this site, can he go on without it?
wow, craziness, if you leave Uncle Buck, good bye and good luck, you made me laugh , you fought hard for your cause, had a strong work ethic like that. I feel so bad for Hillary today. as the days go on and the polls come in, i believe that we will see that her losing had vvery much to do with her being a women... and that just is so depressing. We have such a long way to go still. Take Care!
Good to see you around dat.but i disagree with the woman thing.we would welcome a smart honest woman in the white house.but damn did hillary lie alot these past few years lol.
wow, craziness, if you leave Uncle Buck, good bye and good luck, you made me laugh , you fought hard for your cause, had a strong work ethic like that. I feel so bad for Hillary today. as the days go on and the polls come in, i believe that we will see that her losing had vvery much to do with her being a women... and that just is so depressing. We have such a long way to go still. Take Care!
She lost cuz she's a corrupt lying bitch, why make excuses for her. America made it clear they trusted a crass womanizing businessman over her careless bullshit.
yes, America made it clear , your right purplehays1. I never saw this coming to be honest. I thought Hillary would win. Its so fuckin surreal to me right now. Im kinda scared and dont want to think about what Trump could do, he is fucked in the head..... but then Hillary was going to let all the terrorists in. So that was scary too. Then i was thinking what if Trump was so manipulative to talk about the system being rigged but he had it rigged the hole time and no one will talk about that because of how he turned the tables on the idea. Anyway I hope things work out for the best and things will get better for our country. That would be terrific.
yes, America made it clear , your right purplehays1. I never saw this coming to be honest. I thought Hillary would win. Its so fuckin surreal to me right now. Im kinda scared and dont want to think about what Trump could do, he is fucked in the head..... but then Hillary was going to let all the terrorists in. So that was scary too. Then i was thinking what if Trump was so manipulative to talk about the system being rigged but he had it rigged the hole time and no one will talk about that because of how he turned the tables on the idea. Anyway I hope things work out for the best and things will get better for our country. That would be terrific.

Did he have it rigged or just plain out smarted her.
Something to say about the media and polls i be worried if i was them. i surely hope he changes those laws somehow and fucks them but good .

Its about time someone that just might do something for america other then start some proxy war and get there nose into some other countries business .
I hope he pulls everyone out of Syria , like We need to be there.
Stop spending trillions in other countries and start spending it in our country

Fuck other countries is my logo unless you attack us .
fuck nato nations that cry for our protection yet behind in there nato payment

its about us now and only us. Rebuilding usa from inside out
The whole country just watched them try to push Hillary into the white house with skewed polls and it didn't work. Trust should be even more of an issue now.
Good idea, give the new Fuhrer "special oversight" of the means of communication.

Literally Nazi Germany.
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