Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)


Active Member
Trimmed the worst roots, peroxide rinsed, sterilized the rez and refilled it. Every leaf on the plant had shriveled up and died within 48 hours.

I'm glad I turned my attention to back to the clone when I did or else I wouldn't have anything right now. It's a little consolation prize, but I probably won't be trying another hydro grow anytime soon. The coco plant has been TONS easier to maintain and I'm not a heavy smoker, so while a big yield would be nice, I'll be fine with whatever I get.

Still, it's bummed me out to put the effort into that plant and get this close to the end for it to die like that.


Well-Known Member
don't let it get to ya to much bro. we gotta screw up a few times in order to get it right. don't give up on the dwc just yet man. learn from the mistakes we make and keep goin forward. take care of stretch, i'm sure she will make u happy


Active Member
Thanks Joint and History, it's good to hear some encouraging words. I'll try DWC again, but I think I'll do at least another coco grow or 2 before I venture into DWC again. That, and I'll get a better, more sophisticated setup first.

To be honest, I have no clue how far in you could consider stretch, but she's looking pretty good to me at the moment...



Well-Known Member
By the looks of her, I'd say 3 or 4 weeks in to flower, but if she is sativa dom, then she might still have a long ways to go.

Sorry to hear about the DWC not working out. Keep your head up, just know that next time you will do it even better based on what you learned from this grow :)


Active Member

Maybe week 5 of flowering for the coco WW plant ???


4 more weeks maybe ? IDK, but my bottom fan leaves have died out and I'm thinking it might be more like week 6 of flower.

I've got about 3 weeks 'til I leave for a week for vacation, so it would be nice to come home to a plant ready to harvest. I'm 3 months into the grow, Vegged for one month, took this clone 3 weeks into that though. So, it had 2 weeks to root (1 during veg cycle for the momma plant, 1 during 12/12) So it's basically been grown under a 12/12 cycle for 10 weeks... but had practically no veg time.

I have no idea when this thing will be done, but I'm sure it's a Sativa dom plant. This first grow has been a learning experience for sure, but I'm starting to get a little impatient and just want her to finish the hell up so I can get to drying, curing, and smoking :joint:


Active Member
Had spider mites and some sort of root mites as well, so I chopped 'er down and hung her. Only took 3 days to dry decently hanging and I've been curing in small tupperware for 2 days. Smoked a little last night, and it was still pretty decent for not getting to the swelling point. Looks like I'll end up with 1/2 oz dry.


Well-Known Member
I was wonderin what happened to you! Sucks about the mites bro, been there. At least you got something off of her. BillCollector is right, that's still not bad for your first grow! learn from your mistakes and your next grow will be 10 times better!