under age smoker/growers

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Ak bong rippa

Well-Known Member
Yes my parents know. I just cant tell anyone. show anyone either. just get advice from random people online.:-o i live in a quiet town there isnt alot of cops.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
Exactly. Cut out the weed and have a proper diet for 3 months and all that "stress" just fades away. Its funny, these people will blame ANYTHING else in the world for their problems Except weed. Theres no way it could ever possibly be the weed...:roll: And if you ask these peoples friends, they will all tell you the problems started getting worse when that person started using more marijuana.

yes, and its funny.. she was like.. i read this thing about a guy who smoked weed his whole life and is very health.... except his brain is messed up alot....

and im like okay?.. ud rather be healthy with no brain or what?


Active Member
i think grow marijuana should be more for your own use not for profit, if some teens want to grow its kool as long as they dont get caught. for the kids -dont be stupid aleast get ur parents concent

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
ok i dont really know what anyone is talkin about....weed doesnt fuck you up...at all. I have smoked weed for years nearly everyday and it hasnt affected me one bit besides my opinion of the world around me, and it does treat add..very well.


Well-Known Member
yes, and its funny.. she was like.. i read this thing about a guy who smoked weed his whole life and is very health.... except his brain is messed up alot....

and im like okay?.. ud rather be healthy with no brain or what?
you're an idiot if you think weed damages your brain at all.

there is a ridiculous amount of scientific evidence that proves weed protects and creates braincells in the area's of the brain cannabinoid receptors are present. such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and many other places in the brain. the hippocampus and cerebral cortex are involved with memory and many aspects of your thinking and consciousness.

too much weed doesn't damage you at all, you get saturated and it doesn't work. I've experienced this personally, and I'm willing to bet I'm just as smart, if not smarter than I was before. so I just want to end this once and for all, WEED DOES NOT FUCKING HURT YOUR BRAIN.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
you're an idiot if you think weed damages your brain at all.

there is a ridiculous amount of scientific evidence that proves weed protects and creates braincells in the area's of the brain cannabinoid receptors are present. such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and many other places in the brain. the hippocampus and cerebral cortex are involved with memory and many aspects of your thinking and consciousness.

too much weed doesn't damage you at all, you get saturated and it doesn't work. I've experienced this personally, and I'm willing to bet I'm just as smart, if not smarter than I was before. so I just want to end this once and for all, WEED DOES NOT FUCKING HURT YOUR BRAIN.
hmm ok.. then how does inhaling smoke help out?. thats not good for you eithre?.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
you're an idiot if you think weed damages your brain at all.

there is a ridiculous amount of scientific evidence that proves weed protects and creates braincells in the area's of the brain cannabinoid receptors are present. such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and many other places in the brain. the hippocampus and cerebral cortex are involved with memory and many aspects of your thinking and consciousness.

too much weed doesn't damage you at all, you get saturated and it doesn't work. I've experienced this personally, and I'm willing to bet I'm just as smart, if not smarter than I was before. so I just want to end this once and for all, WEED DOES NOT FUCKING HURT YOUR BRAIN.
:clap:THANK YOU.


Well-Known Member
ok i dont really know what anyone is talkin about....weed doesnt fuck you up...at all. I have smoked weed for years nearly everyday and it hasnt affected me one bit besides my opinion of the world around me, and it does treat add..very well.
Im sure it does help you. Im not trying to be an ass, but if you've smoked daily for years how do you know it hasnt affected you? You have grown differently over the years (mentally) then you would have if you weren't smoking pot.

You don't know if its affected you because you haven't spent the last 2 years 100% sober. Know what I'm saying?

I cant say if it was bad for you, everyone is different, if it works for you, it works for you. When it comes down to it its every persons own choice.


Green Monster

Well-Known Member
and why does this post doesnt say who replied and # of posts anymore?. and it doesnt update when someone replied?.. why do people on this site always try to mess with things?. like to prevent people from seeing

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
hmm ok.. then how does inhaling smoke help out?. thats not good for you eithre?.
Inhaling ANY type of smoke is "bad" for your health....no one ever said it wasnt, if you smoke tobacco,lettuce,fuckin grass from your lawn....its not gonna be good for you...but it doesnt mean shit....you can vaporize..eat edibles...etc ppl just choose to smoke


Well-Known Member
weed smoke is way better for you than any other smoke. the THC works against the buildup of tar (hence the fact that you usually cough a lot when you smoke chronic)

and, if you really are so against smoke, vaporize. problem solved.

stop your bitching and leave people alone.

edit: I mean shit, I bet you didn't know this but if you vaporize you could most likely CURE lung cancer. if you don't believe me I know the science behind that one too ;)


Well-Known Member
you're an idiot if you think weed damages your brain at all.

there is a ridiculous amount of scientific evidence that proves weed protects and creates braincells in the area's of the brain cannabinoid receptors are present. such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and many other places in the brain. the hippocampus and cerebral cortex are involved with memory and many aspects of your thinking and consciousness.

too much weed doesn't damage you at all, you get saturated and it doesn't work. I've experienced this personally, and I'm willing to bet I'm just as smart, if not smarter than I was before. so I just want to end this once and for all, WEED DOES NOT FUCKING HURT YOUR BRAIN.
Judging by this post it has affected you...:roll:

Yes it does affect you. But more so the way people smoke it affects you, lack of oxygen to the brain, CO, tar, toxins, butaine, are all horrible for you.

Post some relevant PROOF to back up your claims..:lol:

If you dont think weed affects your brain...well...I dont know what to say. Thats like saying the sun doesnt rise in the morning.


Green Monster

Well-Known Member
Inhaling ANY type of smoke is "bad" for your health....no one ever said it wasnt, if you smoke tobacco,lettuce,fuckin grass from your lawn....its not gonna be good for you...but it doesnt mean shit....you can vaporize..eat edibles...etc ppl just choose to smoke

im not saying that u should choose to smoke?.. im just saying how people think that if they smoke they are just as healthy as as if they didnt smoke.. which isnt tryue


Well-Known Member
of course it has effected me. I probably have more brain cells. I have plenty of proof, go read wikipedia.

@green monster I think pot smokers are healthier if they only smoke weed than someone who sits and lives the 'american' life of eating junk food and watching tv.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Im sure it does help you. Im not trying to be an ass, but if you've smoked daily for years how do you know it hasnt affected you? You have grown differently over the years (mentally) then you would have if you weren't smoking pot.

You don't know if its affected you because you haven't spent the last 2 years 100% sober. Know what I'm saying?

I cant say if it was bad for you, everyone is different, if it works for you, it works for you. When it comes down to it its every persons own choice.

I understand your point your trying to make, and your probably right, weed prolly has had an effect on my opinions as i have grown, but im saying, the effects it may have had on me that arent evident, arent bad effects...its made me realize how fucked our gov. and country is, realize all the injustices in the world...made me hate cops with a passion, and has made me politcally aware.


Well-Known Member
of course it has effected me. I probably have more brain cells. I have plenty of proof, go read wikipedia.

@green monster I think pot smokers are healthier if they only smoke weed than someone who sits and lives the 'american' life of eating junk food and watching tv.
Well if you want, I can edit Wikipedia and make it say whatever I want. Wiki is useless. Its opinions. Find a relevant study to back up your claims that it increases brain cells...:lol:

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