under ground growing?


i have this idea of digging out an area in the woods and supporting the sides so it doesnt fill in...id put a car/boat battery to support the light..good idea ye?nay?
lemme kno any ideas or suggestions thank uu:!:


Well-Known Member
And I thought building my own grow box was a pain in the ass. Let me think...

What if it rains?
You will need a helacious car battery to support any decent amount of light. A car battery would run 400 watts about 10 minutes.
How are you going to get rid of the excess dirt without anyone noticing?
Isn't the heat signature of this small patch of woods gonna show on helicopter IR?
How are you going to charge the battery?
Isn't it easier to hide a standard grow? I mean if nobody will notice that kinda construction, will they notice a plant?
How will you hide the path you make going back and forth to water, nute, and check on your plants?
Won't it look weird carry all the wood and shit into the woods?

I'm not knocking your plan, just trying to help think about issues.


The best thing to do is rent a shovel and dig in 2 containers. Throw the excess dirt over and use 1 container for diesel generators and equipment and the other one for the plants. People have done it that way, but they also have been caught. To be honest, the best thing to do is imo a basement under a big house.


Well-Known Member
If you have to ask, then don't do it yet. You're making it sound easy by "digging out an area in the woods". What do you plan on putting up to support the sides? You know, wet dirt can weigh over 100lbs per cubic foot. So have fun trying to find things to support this wall before you dig your grave early ;)

Buy a shipping container and get some generators. Otherwise it's not worth the time and effort compared to just starting a grow in a basement somewhere that is secluded.


haha thanks guys yeah my friends were talking about it and i didnt think it was a fully thought out plan so i thats why i asked


Well-Known Member
i had mulled this idea over myself, it would be a project, no question
it would have an additional downside apart from the work
and that would be the path, which you would create as you travel to your grow
outdoor grows have the same issue, the dreaded path which is line pointing to your grow
so you don't get much more security for your trouble unless your construction is very stealthy


Active Member
Honestly, guerrilla growing outdoors can be beyond horribly frustrating. Even if it's in your backyard and in perfect conditions the great outdoors can be frustrating. People will find your plants and steal them no matter how careful you are. Or worse, law enforcement is involved in finding them. And when it's not people destroying your plants, it's animals. Everything on four legs seems to love eating pot plants. Especially the cute animals like Bambi and Thumper. And when it's not animals, it's insects. Every insect in the area will either zero in and start eating your plants exclusively or laying eggs on them so their demon insectoid offspring can eat your plants as soon as the buds start forming. And when it's not insects, it's weather. It will either rain for the entire season and flood your plants... or it will be drought. There will never be a perfect season with nothing threatening or chomping on your plants...

Yes, when the great outdoors cooperates *and* you have the ability to really care for the plants, the payoff is beyond excellent thanks to the sun...

But really, do yourself and your friend a favor and get a nice little cabinet with some decent lighting indoors and be content you can visit and care for your plants whenever you want to give them whatever they need. Because if you have to go through any crazy steps like growing in hidden holes and can't use the sun *on top of* everything else that threatens plants outdoors... it's only headed towards heartbreak if you get anywhere at all.


Well-Known Member
i know this topic is a bit crazy, but i guess that's what draws me, i still think about it from time to time
i think there are 2 categories here: one is a guerrilla grow well away from your home/property or a grow near your property
near your home gives the capability of stringing an underground cable
a guerrilla setup would have to have some power source such as solar panels, wind mill, etc.
that's a bit crazy since those would probably stick out worse than plants would, unless you're in some very remote location
but the hidden grow 'bunker' on your property has been done(and busted) a number of times
it does give some sense of security since it's out of your house, but making it truly undetectable would be daunting
it does have the drawback of less legal protection, outside of the home is not as legally protected as inside
and if you want a year round grow in places that have snow, you're really getting in deep(so to speak)