Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Get a new talking point, that one's already been crushed in this thread multiple times. It's telling you would think it's unusual that there are rich people that exist that would fight for a living wage or worker's rights and the poor and middle class
So has your other assumption that I believe everyone's wages should be equal, from the minimum wage employee to the CEO. 25 x's the average worker's income is acceptable, 325+ x's isn't, especially when it comes from the workers unpaid labor, and that's not just me talking;
It's weird, all you guys seem to be saying the same thing but none of you are supporting it with evidence or real, hard data. Figures and things we can check and verify and find out for ourselves, like I have been.. I thought this was the "hard science" crowd.. What happened with that?
Do you believe you should have the right to make agreements with people based on what you and the other person both agree to ?