underappreciated bands...


Well-Known Member
Theres way to many bands that don't get any attention and you got shitty bands out there making a killing off the same recycled bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Blind Melon was YEARS ahead of their time, had they come out today they would be one of the most popular bands in this time, to me... they're masters.

Also... my add to the thread, The Redneck Manifesto... amazing band, no lyrics, just insane relaxing jams.


Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Blind Melon is my absolute FAVORITE band of all time. They're the band that gets rotation in my CD player more than any other. I saw them four times during their short lived reunion. It wasn't Shannon, I know, but Travis was good. He just turned out to be an asshole. Shannon was truly amazing but the magic the other guys had on stage together was very apparent when I saw them. I also had the pleasure of meeting the guys several times. They were extremely nice and it was obvious they were grateful to playing again.

If you're a fan, I would suggest reading "A Devil on One Shoulder and an Angel on The Other: the Story of Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon." I'm about a third of the way through it and it is really good so far. It's the story of the band told by interviews that were compiled and put in chronological order.

+rep for a thread about Melon.


Well-Known Member
Blind Melon was YEARS ahead of their time, had they come out today they would be one of the most popular bands in this time, to me... they're masters.

Also... my add to the thread, The Redneck Manifesto... amazing band, no lyrics, just insane relaxing jams.

that was badass, and yes Sgt. Floyd i have really been listening to just blind melon lately, i'v listened to a few of their songs for awhile now but last night i heard walk for the first time man and it was just deep especially since i was pretty much in that mood last night. loved the song, that band is amazing.


Well-Known Member
He reminds me a lot of hendrix for some reason, just that type of artist i guess? completely unique, not manufactured shit like nickleback you know?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
He was a very unique person that was full of talent and passion for music. To this day, Blind Melon fans come from all over the world to Shannon's home town where he's buried every year on the last weekend of September, around Shannon's birthday. Do you think if the singer from Nickleback od'ed, people would travel to his grave site nearly 15 years since his death?


Shannon Hoon OD'ed way too early, his career had so much potential. I saw whats left of blind mellon at the langerado music fest last year and I was very impressed with the band.


Well-Known Member
I think the nickleback fanboys would dig him up, i don't get the music industry. some people are just easily entertained i guess. I love blind melons cover of the pusher.


Nickelback sucks! The lead singer sounds constipated in every song and looks like a fruit with that stupid perm.