ungrateful jerk


Active Member
Tell him to go fuck his mother, clone the babies, treat them like shit, collect their hermaphrodite seeds and try again.


i would fucking NEVER give him SHIT. i would say yo, are you fuckin kidding me? come to my grow room, FIND 1 BUG and i will give you a thousand per bug you find, I would say fuck him dude, tell him to fucking get lost lol.


Well-Known Member
Some day, you and I gotta' kick back, smoke a pile of indica, and just bullshit.

Personally, I'd be charging the dude for every single cutting and plant that you were housing there until harvest... I'd probably make the request for monetary damages with a nice heavy headed wooden slugger. Just the left knee, once. I don't like people that are ungrateful, and ignorant assholes.