Unhappy times at the White House

you posted a spam-like amount of them.

ummm, duh?

Ohhhh .. OK. What is the number limit of threads someone can start in a forum without it being considered spam? One? Two? Three? Four? How long between starting threads is one required to wait before they can begin another? Is it a time limit or are they required to wait until a certain number of other threads have been started before they can start another one?

You claim as to what made my threads spam is totally subjective. It is totally based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions and nothing more. With that being the case, what makes your personal feelings, tastes, or opinions and fds' personal feelings, tastes, or opinions, or anyone elses personal feelings, tastes, or opinions, any more valid than mine?

You know, as does fds, that if those articles were ones to your liking neither of you would have had any problem with them and would not have gathered your little lynch mob troll Klan together to attack me personally. You can of course claim otherwise, but you would know that you were lying if you did.
Ohhhh .. OK. What is the number limit of threads someone can start in a forum without it being considered spam?

there is no limit. it is when they take on the quality of being "spam-like", which your s most certainly did.

Your claim as to what made my threads spam is totally subjective.

of course it is subjective. unless there is a manual on "objective forum spamming", it has to be.

and many people here have come to the same subjective opinion that your hissy fit of articles qualified as spam.

if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck....you get the point.

i thought age gave you this type of wisdom. maybe i'm wrong.

You know, as does fds, that if those articles were ones to your liking neither of you would have had any problem with them and would not have gathered your little lynch mob troll Klan together to attack me personally. You can of course claim otherwise, but you would know that you were lying if you did.

that's just like your subjective opinion, man :eyesmoke:
Originally Posted by Brick Top
Your claim as to what made my threads spam is totally subjective.

of course it is subjective. unless there is a manual on "objective forum spamming", it has to be.

Since it is a subjective thing, with that being the case, as you yourself stated is the case by agreeing that it is subjective, it cannot be positively stated, as in being definite, that my threads were spam. It is a judgement call for each person to make and believe on their own, for themselves and for no one else, since their personal opinion is not that of anyone elses. The same of course applies equally to me and what I believe.

To me the much clearer example of spam is the ongoing numerous inflammatory attacking messages that have been directed at me, which of course includes one or two from you, a mod, whose job it is to keep a cool head and quell such attacks rather than joining in such attacks.
Originally Posted by Brick Top
T...a mod, whose job it is ...

have you seen what the general consensus has been?

Consensus does not erase subjectivity. It does not transform the subjective into being objective, unbiased, unemotional and unprejudiced.

to stop spam.

If that is indeed how you see your job then you should be PMSing at fds too since he follows me around like a little troll-puppy trolling most every thread or message I post.

But clearly what constitutes being a troll is also subjective and clearly in your personal belief and opinion fds' trolling is not trolling, so you give him a free pass, a get out of jail free card, you play favorites and refuse to deem his trolling to be trolling and allow him to troll on unhindered and unbridled while you bitch, piss and moan about me.

If a mod like that is important to this site and good for this site fds should have been allowed to retain his past position rather than demote him and give the position to others like him, meaning of course, people like you.
trolling is perfectly ok

spamming we have a problem with.

and deprave posts RP threads all day and night, at least he tries to add some sort of comment... it's not just something copy/pasted EVERY time...
trolling is perfectly ok

spamming we have a problem with.

and deprave posts RP threads all day and night, at least he tries to add some sort of comment... it's not just something copy/pasted EVERY time...

no really; this is all about me, picking on poor little dick rot. :(
trolling is perfectly ok

Cool! Now I know what I can do and get away with.

spamming we have a problem with.

That gets back to the subjective thing.

and deprave posts RP threads all day and night, at least he tries to add some sort of comment... it's not just something copy/pasted EVERY time...

I have to wonder if people here suffer from some sort of learning disability or short term memory problems or lack reading comprehension skills. Because I have explained why I intentionally did not add comments to the threads I started.

And as for how you capitalized "EVERY," that was a bit amusing, as in an attempt to make it appear it is something I have done repeatedly for an extended period of time, when that is not the case.

The latest two, one closed and the other appears to be invisible now, it was a test to see if the claim that it was not the content of the articles I used to start the threads and it was not my lack of comments being added, and instead it was the number of threads started was truthful or not.

Clearly it was not truthful because no one could claim that two threads in a day would be flooding a forum with spam, as was the claim made when I previously started more threads in another day.

There is no doubt that what is seen as objectionable and unacceptable is either the message content my threads have been based on, or me personally, or the two combined, and that all the other claims and reasons were pure bullshit used to cover up the truth.
you were warned.

two threads in one day?? maybe not spam.

2 threads in 5 mins?? total of 9 threads in a 24 hour period??? very spam-like, almost 50% of the first page on the politics sub-section was threads started by yourself, copy/pasting ultra-conservative points of view...

in my opinion, it's spamming a forum on behalf of conservatism. stop doing it.
you were warned.

two threads in one day?? maybe not spam.

2 threads in 5 mins?? total of 9 threads in a 24 hour period??? very spam-like, almost 50% of the first page on the politics sub-section was threads started by yourself, copy/pasting ultra-conservative points of view...

in my opinion, it's spamming a forum on behalf of conservatism. stop doing it.

if i wanted to read a bunch or articles, i would go to a news site.

if i want to discuss WHAT OTHER MEMBERS THINK about politics, i go to a forum.
All of upperlevel management knows, Everything appears normal! WTF is the problem guys ;)


