uninvited friends and it bugs me !

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
1 plant only 2 leafs very mature with a small amount of webbing . i dont understand why they have not spread to other plants yet strange . im sure other leaves have eggs have not hatched yet and i dont know if its lucky or not i can harvest in a week or so and have the dry before these fuckers try to get out of control . any body know if these fuckers will hurt dry finished ? S20161030_0002.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are bad when you see webbing .... You can use SPINOSAD DURING FLOWER up to 2 days before chop. Dont risk contaminating the others ... Treat all plants.


Well-Known Member
They are just chilling on the host plant... Make no mistake, once they populate or go through treatments then they will try to hit the other plants too. They take a while to crawl to the other plants but im pretty sure some have fallen off by now lol

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
not my first time dealing with these little fun things . i had them very bad before like a real spider web back when i used to pack a lot of plants in a room . i should be stressed out but from experience and my low plant number i am happy i have them now and not later . will be cleaning the room out with the water hose soon spraying every thing and throwing some bug bombs in once these few plants are done .in 2 weeks or less . makes you upset when you see any bug and a spider mite is the worse to get rid of all the time work money invested and they get a free meal .