It isn't referring to tax. It isn't a stand against tax either. It's from IWW, it advocates greater pay and benefits for workers. The point is that rank and file workers perform the function that is most productive in the enterprise and that their reward should match their contribution. CEOs and managers do not perform a function that is as productive as that which rank and file workers do, and yet they benefit the most directly from the increased productivity of the workers. This is at the heart of wage slavery.
Look at the outlandish counter examples Harrekin has to employ to make his point, they also ignore this, he suggests it doesn't make sense to pay them more, because it would break the system if they were paid extremely high salaries. Nobody is suggesting paying them higher than what is proportional to their productivity.
You took this as an attack on your statist views, and while I do have plenty to say about that, it wasn't where I was coming from with this.