

Well-Known Member
that little mention of disgust about how blacks can vote after church was buried within a long, bitter rant about how you support poll taxes (because winning on the merit of your republican ideas is way too much to ask). how about we discuss how gays have perfectly equal rights as long as they pretend to be straight? ya wanna review that one too, stormfront red?
Clearly, you are trying to portray me as something I am not. You can't win on ideas, so you attempt to slander those who might disagree with you. Thus proving your agenda has no merit. But you don't give a shit about your agenda anyway, it's all no more than the failed tantrum of a little boy seeking attention.


Active Member
That's called discrimination, fuckwit...

That is pretty much the attitude of many union members. They don't have to earn the dues they receiver, we just have to hand it over. Which is the saddest part given the history and fight unions went thru. If they was as principled toward management and the ideas, people wouldn't be dropping out or right to work wouldn't be coming thru. JMO


Active Member
well if unions would hold there end of the bargin we would not be where we are today.... not saying all Unions are bad.. some are good.. but we if unions would stick up more for the people we could be a stronger work zone.. but since they are just like the rest of the world " congress" there just looking for there extra dollar, penny... for me it takes support to get support.. so if my union shows no support just not to me but to my unions brothers and sisters why should we support something thats not supporting us.. and far as not working in union shop.. my plant was not union.. we were plastech, plastech went bank rupt and Johnson controls took it over, then we had the union come in.. but nothing changed... same old bullshit.. same corrupt contracts.. so there was no change.. instead good people that show up to work 5-7 days a week never miss a day do mthere job get fucked.. so yes in my situation.. i would opt out the UAW not pay my dues cause i wouild get the same rep, as the person that pays dues....


Well-Known Member
Clearly, you are trying to portray me as something I am not.

i am quoting your exact words, stormfront red. they are there for all to see.

you are clearly bitter that blacks can go vote after church, and clearly upset that gays don't just pretend to be straight.

you are an asshole of the highest degree, and a sad human being. not to mention an unremitting failure in every possible way.

go find another wife and kids to murder, ya racist piece of shit.


Well-Known Member

What is that all about?
let's just say thatt red has a continuing problem trying to keep his wives and kids alive. wife after wife, kid after kid...they all end up 6 feet under after a short time with red.

also suspicious is that his parents have also perished, since red says he is not that old, only about 32.

considering all the other stuff he has said about killing women (there are actual quotes of this) and his psychopathic, maniacal attitude, ya really have to wonder.

it could just be that they offed themselves after trying to deal with his bitterness for so long. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Well-Known Member
let's just say thatt red has a continuing problem trying to keep his wives and kids alive. wife after wife, kid after kid...they all end up 6 feet under after a short time with red.

also suspicious is that his parents have also perished, since red says he is not that old, only about 32.

considering all the other stuff he has said about killing women (there are actual quotes of this) and his psychopathic, maniacal attitude, ya really have to wonder.

it could just be that they offed themselves after trying to deal with his bitterness for so long. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
LOL jesus that's personal.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
unions are hit or miss, just like working conditions without them.

my last job was for a pretty big cable company in a call center with no union. they paid well and offered a nice benefit package but the job was crazy stressful and they shat upon employees hard and had impossible policies to follow and constantly fired the best employees that were there for 15+ years over total bullshit, threatened people all the time, the whole deal. they told people flat out in orientation that the system was designed to be impossible and make people fail. SIX MONTHS of notice for a day off, even unpaid, was denied, and they wouldn't cut you a check for your accrued time that you couldn't use and they capped the amount of time you could accrue. they would make us do work for other departments with no compensation but full liability. the list goes on. thank god for OSHA because the place was full of mold and decrepit smelly furniture until someone ratted, and a month later that person was never to be seen again. every day i feared someone was going to finally flip their shit and shoot the place up, but the pay was good and i had bills and was busting my ass to get into a better department (fat chance as i eventually found out.) draconian workplaces are alive and well, i assure you.

every time someone started some kind of union chatter or if any union reps started talking to employees outside the building the company would unleash a whole load of scary propaganda pamphlets and meetings and make threats to scare everyone out of trying to get a union. i made it 3 years at that place and i swear to god i'll never recover from it.

on the other side of the coin i know a few people who work for a large local hospital that has had a union for the "other employees" (not nurses but care aides, secretaries, housekeeping, etc.) for about 15 years now. they never really "needed" one as they were treated ok to begin with, and the union they got only cares about management. so now they get their raises every year but they get shit on by management who is completely protected. the place is a madhouse behind the scenes with everyone at each other's throats because management is basically exempt from any liability and the reps don't do shit for the peon employees. under the old system the managers would be held accountable for lapses in duties and grievances would be addressed, but no more. management just makes up rules on the spot and does what they please and punishes people for "crying to the union" and gets away with it. everyone i know who was there before the union says it was much better before, and for this privilege they must pay.

so it can suck either way, but the place i worked at should be on the fucking news. i can't imagine how a union would possibly make that hellhole any worse.


Well-Known Member

i am quoting your exact words, stormfront red. they are there for all to see.

you are clearly bitter that blacks can go vote after church, and clearly upset that gays don't just pretend to be straight.

you are an asshole of the highest degree, and a sad human being. not to mention an unremitting failure in every possible way.

go find another wife and kids to murder, ya racist piece of shit.
I don't see what the big deal with blacks voting is. Even if they all got to vote an extra 2 times, that would still only represent 8% of the voting age public.

Blacks are a tiny portion of the US population, its no wonder why they all live in the same neighborhoods, they are scared as fuck of whites.


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal with blacks voting is. Even if they all got to vote an extra 2 times, that would still only represent 8% of the voting age public.

Blacks are a tiny portion of the US population, its no wonder why they all live in the same neighborhoods, they are scared as fuck of whites.
i thought blacks were about 10% of the voting public in general.

and i don't think your reasoning for the de facto segregation we see nowadays is exactly sound.


Well-Known Member
i thought blacks were about 10% of the voting public in general.

and i don't think your reasoning for the de facto segregation we see nowadays is exactly sound.
Im tired, meant to say 24%. Its just voting age blacks at 8%, otherwise blacks comprise about 13% of population, still a small minority with whites getting 78%


Active Member
unions are hit or miss, just like working conditions without them.

my last job was for a pretty big cable company in a call center with no union. they paid well and offered a nice benefit package but the job was crazy stressful and they shat upon employees hard and had impossible policies to follow and constantly fired the best employees that were there for 15+ years over total bullshit, threatened people all the time, the whole deal. they told people flat out in orientation that the system was designed to be impossible and make people fail. SIX MONTHS of notice for a day off, even unpaid, was denied, and they wouldn't cut you a check for your accrued time that you couldn't use and they capped the amount of time you could accrue. they would make us do work for other departments with no compensation but full liability. the list goes on. thank god for OSHA because the place was full of mold and decrepit smelly furniture until someone ratted, and a month later that person was never to be seen again. every day i feared someone was going to finally flip their shit and shoot the place up, but the pay was good and i had bills and was busting my ass to get into a better department (fat chance as i eventually found out.) draconian workplaces are alive and well, i assure you.

every time someone started some kind of union chatter or if any union reps started talking to employees outside the building the company would unleash a whole load of scary propaganda pamphlets and meetings and make threats to scare everyone out of trying to get a union. i made it 3 years at that place and i swear to god i'll never recover from it.

on the other side of the coin i know a few people who work for a large local hospital that has had a union for the "other employees" (not nurses but care aides, secretaries, housekeeping, etc.) for about 15 years now. they never really "needed" one as they were treated ok to begin with, and the union they got only cares about management. so now they get their raises every year but they get shit on by management who is completely protected. the place is a madhouse behind the scenes with everyone at each other's throats because management is basically exempt from any liability and the reps don't do shit for the peon employees. under the old system the managers would be held accountable for lapses in duties and grievances would be addressed, but no more. management just makes up rules on the spot and does what they please and punishes people for "crying to the union" and gets away with it. everyone i know who was there before the union says it was much better before, and for this privilege they must pay.

so it can suck either way, but the place i worked at should be on the fucking news. i can't imagine how a union would possibly make that hellhole any worse.

feel you on that.. but fuck it.. just make a bigger problem.. and i think unions are goin down.. you can trust people anymore its bout the money... just like how we cant protect our rights and constitutions. and i find it funny that our company pays these union reps and chairman there extra $$$ not the union the company....


Well-Known Member
Im tired, meant to say 24%. Its just voting age blacks at 8%, otherwise blacks comprise about 13% of population, still a small minority with whites getting 78%
that minority coalition is gonna swallow texas and the entire map soon if the GOP doesn't get its shit together.