Unique Tobacco


Well-Known Member
the logic being, if you cant afford to smoke that much, you wont die from cancer or less risk of it.

the rich man can smoke as much as he wants, he can pay for his own treatment.

the liberty of money.


Active Member
Yeah that seems to be the logic here sort of. Tax the hell out of it claiming that 'this time' it'll be too expensive for some people and they'll have to quit. Seems to me the better option (in the states) would be removing the '4,000' + scary chemicals in the cigarettes. I just quit smoking cigarettes recently, even with the patch I was jumping out of my skin and just about ready to suck a dick for a cig.

On that note, I did order some heirloom seeds to experiment with. Haven't done a ton of research yet but from what I hear you're better off growing them outside. I'm going to try my hand at mopan and hudano in spring. I've had rustica before (didnt grow it, just got a cured bundle). Smoke was pretty harsh and spicy, didn't really enjoy it. I had tried some Fulni-Ô tobacco, didn't really know what species it was or how they cured it, but it was an interesting pipe tobacco.

smokey de bear

Active Member
Anyone with first hand experience growing out tobacco strains have any suggestions for a smooth mild cigarette smoke? I read off one of the tobacco sites tobaccoseeds.ca i think, and they recommend Virginia gold or Burley:Tabasco[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][/FONT] as good cigarette smoke. Anyone ever try these?


Well-Known Member
hitn this up for my threads...

i been wanting to grow tobacco for a year or so now, trying to talk a buddy who has a little land to let me do it in his small field. I figure I need 24-25 lbs for a year.

smokey de bear

Active Member
SO after looking around online I found quite a few sites and strains, Ebay just had too many weird strains, so I found this guy and I like his 4 kinds deals. http://www.smokesforfree.com/page8.html, He'll even let you mix and match em for whatever variety you want. I just want to grow different kinds to see which ones I like and maybe make some interesting blends. The strains I was thinking of getting were the Kentucky burley as a base for blends because it's got a stronger flavor then, virginian gold getting this one because I think it will be my flavor says it's mild tasting , shaman's Rustica for a strong tobacco and debating between Rose tobacco/Iranian Sherazi as my last strain. I'm leaning more towards the rose because he's got limited seeds of it and he was very impressed by the spicy flavor it had, this may be good for blends or on it's own.... Anyone have any experience with these strains? Or tips before I buy these, just waiting till payday.


Active Member
Naw, that guy's Virginia Gold looks good tho'.
I trust that these are actually heirloom tobacco seeds, but it is still nicotina rustica but one that has been grown by the Hopi by thousands of years and recently obtained from a Hopi family. The Shaman tobacco is that guy's strain.

I like Baker Creek seeds.

But if you or I were to go for the rustica, perhaps the Ancient tobacco someone already mentioned?

smokey de bear

Active Member
I'm all down for continuing heirloom seeds of any type, as long as they truly are heirloom lol. I know there's got to be some natives around here with their ancestors tobacco seeds, doubt they'll ever give a white guy like I some. They got it out for all of us, even if we truly respect their culture and beliefs like I do very much. If I could pick a religion or set of beliefs I'm pretty sure id go with the north american indian's seeing as how it pretty much all revolves around nature and respecting her, and if ya do she'll take care of you. But the problem is they will never teach me it because of my ethnicity.

Oh well, Those seeds look sweet I cant wait till payday! Those Hopi may be the same strain lineage as the shaman's seeing as how they both only really grow to be like 3 to 4ft, which may be why the nicotine is so high in em a lot less leaf space so more concentrated leaves.