I did this for 2 years at my school. It's possible, I grew from seed and threw out the males when I started flowering. It would be really hard to have a mother, clones and flowering plants all in that small of an area. I would just grow from seed in small pots and re-pot when you find out which are female (i used soil not hydro, if the cops knocked on the door i would just throw the pots out the window lol). The biggest problem I had was heat. There was no easy way to vent my closet with out the closet doors being left open, which was only possible if I stayed in my room with the door locked.
That being said it might not be worth the stress. I was always afraid to leave my room when the lights were on. I could never leave campus for more than a day or two because I would get too worried about something going wrong.
If you do try this out I would wait a semester or two to find out exactly what the chances are of room inspections etc. Finally, tell no one and never have any other students/people come to your room ever. People love to spread that kind of information and before you know it everyone on campus will know that someone is growing weeds in their closet.