UNK Types but their growing.


Well-Known Member
So I am going to show you the 2 diffrent plants. sativa 1 big nice, Sativa 2 small ???.

Sativa 1:

Sativa 2: ???

Both started at the same time. And does anyone have any ideas about what types they are? #2 came from nirvana indoor pack.


Active Member
Beautiful ladies jjmd, they look incredibly good and will form some impressive colas :-O........ you obviously have things under control there.


Well-Known Member
So the babies are getting fatter and a little more pungent. I am getting some of the little hairs to change over to red. This is the waiting game and it is tough because i Really want to try a taste of it.
All in all it is going well, I am thinking about going to soil for the next grow. A little less room so I will be able to fit one or two more plants in a tier system.

Will suplly more pics on the next update, just havn't been able to get out and get new batteries.


Well-Known Member
I switched over to a 100% bloom rather then the 50/50 mix of bloom and grow. Since then I am getting some yellowing of leaves, a normal from everything else that I see. some of my smaller buds are making there turning of color as well. Plant 2 no change at all. small nothing to speak of and what to start it over or reveg it. I know I need to trim back the root but I have never done this before, any advise is welcome. I tried to take pics that were close to the same shots as before to tell diffrences in the bloom. I am adding some pics of the next set to go in. going to keep them smaller. I hope.

Next Gen.


Active Member
INcredible jjmd :-) those are excellent. They will bulk right up as they finish.

Re reveg, honestly I've never trimmed the roots, they will go a second flowering without any need to do that, take my word for it :-)


Well-Known Member
INcredible jjmd :-) those are excellent. They will bulk right up as they finish.

Re reveg, honestly I've never trimmed the roots, they will go a second flowering without any need to do that, take my word for it :-)
I wish both plants looked this good, but it is only one plant. the other just never seamed to ...? any thing big. it started its bloom and because it was smaller then the other I think it got chocked out by the other light hog. When it comes to reveging I will have to do a little trimming of my roots because of having the 2 plants sharing the same res. and the roots are tangled. I am just not sure if I want to reveg in dirt or try again with this strain in water. I have a clone of it, so one in dirt and the other in water. find out what it perfers.


Well-Known Member
I am getting closer to that day, "clip". It is starting to brown up nicely now. I will take it to water and stop adding nutes this week.

Any suggestions on drying? I have read a few diffrent ways of doing it. I would like to get opinions from others. I was looking at placing in a jar and openning it once a day for 2 mins. till dry.

here are some pics.

Plant 2

Clones - lost one, Oh well guess I have to crack a new seed. Ouch, ouch. hear that somone is twisting my arm to do that.


Active Member
Looks great jjmd, close now to a good harvest :-) Re drying, just hang them if you can or otherwise lay them out on newspaper ( the old fashioned method), either will allow them to dry slowly. Dont rush it and most important is not to seal them in jars until those stems are pretty much 'snap dry'. I once lost a whole jar of Blueberry doing that, went mouldy in 24 hrs....lesson learned!

I find about a week and I can jar it up, but I leave the jar open for a few more days just to be sure. After that open it up once a day then re-seal. The aroma from the jar will slowly change and improve over a couple of weeks.

Hope this helps. Others may have different ways of doing it of course.


Well-Known Member
Hey MS, Thanks for keeping me from making a mistake on drying this batch out. I was reading some of the other treads and they were saying that it was better to dry it slower for taste reasons.

Well I did my last feeding yesterday and will give it 2 more days and then start the flush with just water.

I am waiting for this grow to finish so I can start a 12/12 cab and a 18/6 cab for a perpetial grow starting the bloom about every 2 weeks. That is what is what I am shooting for at least. I will also make 2 changes at that time 1 to my cab the other to the closet. I will remove the 2' floro lights from the closet and 1 or 2 of the cfls. I will replace them with a minicandlearia light bulb. and some cfls on the out sides hanging down. The 2' floros will then go into the cab which will be turned side ways to start plant in and do my clones in as well. I will more then likley start a new thread called "Perpetually UNK".



Well-Known Member
so I did a clipping today. not bad but I have some apprehension about the quality. I'll find out soon enough though. I have 4 big buds and a bunch of smaller ones as well as a ton of tiny stuff. I am going to use the tiny stuff to try and make some hash, using the bubble bucket method. I am going to give the second plant some more time before I cut that one and try for a reveg. some pics of the buds.



Well-Known Member
The bigest waist of time and energy i have ever done. If you cant get good seeds don't waist your time. Smelled great, worst buz ever. Nothing to it. I would have been better smoking grass from my dog shit filled lawn. AS FOR MAKING THE OTHER STUFF OUT OF IT, THAT WAS EVEN MORE OF A WAIST OF WORK FOR VERY LITTLE.