Unknown issue, perhaps a little insight


Active Member

Most certainly isnt overwatering. Originally thought it was underwatering, but after giving them water three hours ago, they havent perked. The left one has been like this for a few days. Right one was fine on sunday after i watered (was drooping a bit before). Not today, it neither has perked after watering. Last sunday was first actual feed since germination (two weeks today). Left one developped a little deficiency, which should correct itself (since fed sunday and today). Feed is ph'ed to around 6. Run off was around 5.5. Unfortunately, im stuck relying on someone else during the week (such as tonight), and base it off what theyre telling me the values are. What do yall think.
How is drainage in those cups? Perhaps damp toes ? Ie wet rootzone.
Drainage is great. Holes at bottom, hp promix. I did tell buddy to slow down cause i thought he had overwatered the first week (they were drooping and he put more water than i would have for the size they were), but then i waited a good while (till things were really dry). Perhaps root zone could have still been wet, but i doubt it. I dont know. Watered till run off tonight though cause the right side lady perked after last watering. Thought the same would happen but nope. You think i should wait a day or two longer till next watering, see if thats actually the case?

Sort of sounds contradictory LOL. I'm certain that originally, there was overwatering. Now im 95% sure its something else, as the right side one had perked up after last watering/i waited a fair amount that should have dried it out. But maybe not. They were small, and if there isnt lots of roots below, it wont dry as fast. But if that were the case, why would the right side one perk last watering, but now droop.
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Maybe She doesn't like the tight shoes...transplant to a bigger size, if only a little, give it a day or two, see if she rebounds.
You know what, thats a good idea. They grew fairly fast. First time actually growing indoors with a proper light. Maybe it is time to transplant to something bigger.

Its been two days and they actually look somewhat better. Today is the day i go transplant none the less. Those leaves look like they want to shoot past the cup's rim.

Damn! They definitely needed the transplanting.


Have deficiencies though. Havent disappeared after feeding/seems like theyve spread a bit. 350 ppm and ph of 6. Runoff was 5.5 the other day. From my own research, and from my point of view, its inconclusive whether i should worry about it (the runoff) or not.