unknown issue probably nutrient related


here are pics of my leaves. absolutely no bugs i've triple checked that. however they are all developing spots on the leaves. Something to do with the nutrients? help would be appreciated. thank you...


Well-Known Member
Look for mites! I hate the little bastards. EDIT: I'm an idiot I see you checked. A buddy had fungus start looking like that.


Active Member
Really don't think it has anything to do with nutrients. It's probably bugs or fungus or something like that like coho said.
Actually it looks like overfeeding to me. your leaves look very dark which can be caused by too much n and green/brown spots are also signs of overfeeding. I'd cut your nutes in half and see what happens


Well-Known Member
I'm really curious about this one. The leaves are really dark. Pic of the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
You have thrips, I can see them chillin in the main vein trench on your last two pics, they shit all over your leaves.
Get some azamax and murder those bitches.


New Member
oo much n br0 too much and u haz fungus get som vegetable chemical fungice spray theyll be gon next day
