Unknown issues. Please help.


This plant is one of the clones from a Northern Lights Fem plant that was flowered a few months ago. The mother plant grew perfectly with no issues. The clones are having issues however. They are grown in soil, the PH is usually around 6-7 and I'm usuing Fox Farms Big Grow fertilizer. The only thing I can think of is Chlorine but I've been treating all the water for chlorine for a week and it's not getting any better. The edges of the leaves on the newest growth have started to turn upwards as well. If anyone can offer any suggestions that would be great. Thanks.


There was another clone that went all the way to flower with the same problems. Took way longer to finish and many of the leaves turned brown and crumbling at the tips. The buds turned out fine but the yeild was low. These are actually clones of that clone which was from the original plant.


Active Member
There was another clone that went all the way to flower with the same problems. Took way longer to finish and many of the leaves turned brown and crumbling at the tips. The buds turned out fine but the yeild was low. These are actually clones of that clone which was from the original plant.
Do you know the ppm of your water your using before adding your nutes? To me it looks like a calcium/magnesium deficiency. If you live in a place where your water is pretty clean from tap(0-150 ppm), like myself then you should probably be adding some cal/mag into your nute feedings. Ive had the same issue in the past which it killed my yields.


Well-Known Member
Just opinion, what is your growing medium? How much light do you have on her? I'd bring the ph to 5.8 and add some cal/mag. What is your runoff ph and ppms? I would imagine ph lockout of cal/mag. What is your co2 regimen? If you're not going to peel the yellow leaves, tuck them under her green leaves so the leaves that are contributing to your photosynthesis are getting effective light. Just opinion.


Don't have a reader for ppm but I'm usuing standard garden soil, no fertilizers added,sterilized in the oven. I'm using 2 300watt LED lights (just like the mother) ordered some cal-mag today and waiting for it to come in. PH run off is coming out lower than what I put in around 6 or lower on runoff. Should I make the PH of water higher going into the soil? I'm also using a cheap liquid tester for PH so it might not be too accurate. Going to pick up an electronic one soon.


Well-Known Member
What kind of garden soil? That looks like something else to me.....

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic


It's some form of generic garden soil I picked up at Lowes. I had heard that miracle grow isn't good for cannabis due to all the fertilizers it's about the only thing I can find without ordering from online. I mix vermiculite into the soil for airation since I have so much from incubating snake eggs it's what I do with vivariums, that's probably what you're seeing.


Also the leaf edges are staring to curl upwards more. I thought it might be heat stress but cooling the room hasn't helped much.


I'll try the Cal-mag when it comes in. I sprayed with some Epsom salt water for now to see if that helps. I've heard it can help with Mag deficiency. Really hoping I can figure this out soon. Upward growth has been fine but the other clone isn't bushing out like the one in the pic. Hopefully Cal-Mag will help.


Active Member
I'll try the Cal-mag when it comes in. I sprayed with some Epsom salt water for now to see if that helps. I've heard it can help with Mag deficiency. Really hoping I can figure this out soon. Upward growth has been fine but the other clone isn't bushing out like the one in the pic. Hopefully Cal-Mag will help.
Yeah man it will definitely stunt the growth if you have a cal/mag deficiency. Dont expect your plants to turn around over night once u give them a shot of cal/mag. It will take a week or two to notice it because they r slow moving nutrients in a plant.


What dosage do you recommend for first use? I usually use half the listed dose for nutrients. Wondering if I should do the same for this.


Active Member
What dosage do you recommend for first use? I usually use half the listed dose for nutrients. Wondering if I should do the same for this.
i would start out with half strength then every time you feed bump it up a little. I usually get this kind of deficiency a couple weeks into flower, so i use cal/mag religiously now. Once you put them into flower i would hit them with full strength.


Awesome thanks a lot. I'll see about posting pics of the ugly one in flower the first clone. Almost done by the look of the trichomes. It will be too late to give her any. But the little ones will appreciate it I'm sure. Thanks again.


Tha Calmag helped immensely. Also started using water from the fish tank (very clean) with a lot of nitrogen and the girls really seem to like it. Thanks again for all the help. Things are back on track.