Unknown Soldiers


Well-Known Member
I germinated 9 seeds on 1/31 that I had gotten from Attitude a while back, and promptly lost track of which they were. I am really mad at myself about it, but they are growing pretty good, so I can't complain. I am pretty sure that one of them is Deep Sweet Grapefruit, because of the smell, and I know at least one is a Sativa dominant, but I don't know much else about their identities. I won't make that mistake again! Anyway, I started them in peat pucks under cfl and worked up to 3g indoors. I set the first two out on 3/3, another 5 on 3/10 and the last little deformed one on 3/17, so they have been flowering anywhere from 22 to 35 days. They only get from 3-5 hrs of direct sun a day, but I think that they are doing well considering.370.jpg379.jpg374.jpg377.jpg


Well-Known Member
These have all been LST's with landscape staples to keep them low. The closeup is of the Grapefruit.


Active Member
Nice! Sucks that you dont know whats, what. Im sure they will keep you happy all the same! :bigjoint: Ill be sure to keep an eye on theses beaut's!


Well-Known Member
I was out checking plants yesterday evening when I noticed little white specks on some of the leaves. I pulled one off and put it under a magnifying glass and saw what I believe to be mite eggs, little clear amber bubble looking things on the underside of the leaf...so I panicked. After looking over some posts, I searched for my Neem Oil to no avail, so I used a combination of home remedies. First I mixed up some homemade insecticidal soap with dishwashing liquid and canola oil. Then I added garlic, cinnamon, and some HOT pepper juice from my garden. I went out and got on my hands and knees, and lightly sprayed the back of each leaf...I'm not kidding...of all 9 plants. While doing this I also saw what appeared to be small aphids along with the obligatory ants. My spray annihilated them on the spot. I had what was left of the peppers in my colander, so I went back out and dropped little bits of of hell around each plant. The spray was so hot that it burned my hand, and I'm not talking about temperature! I checked the plants this evening and saw no sign of insect life and the plants seemed to have survived my ministrations without injury. My only concern is that I avoided the buds entirely so I will have to keep a close watch for survivors. The payoff was that along with some dead leaves I decided to remove the small popcorn buds that were nearly at ground level on 3 of the plants. I removed three from each and put my oven on warm and dried those babies out enough to smoke. I have been out of weed for nearly 3 months now, so it wasn't hard to convince myself that these needed to be removed for the sake of "good air flow". Considering they are immature buds improperly cured, it is fantastic! I am pain free for the first time in weeks. Lovin' it!


Well-Known Member
I was out checking plants yesterday evening when I noticed little white specks on some of the leaves. I pulled one off and put it under a magnifying glass and saw what I believe to be mite eggs, little clear amber bubble looking things on the underside of the leaf...so I panicked. After looking over some posts, I searched for my Neem Oil to no avail, so I used a combination of home remedies. First I mixed up some homemade insecticidal soap with dishwashing liquid and canola oil. Then I added garlic, cinnamon, and some HOT pepper juice from my garden. I went out and got on my hands and knees, and lightly sprayed the back of each leaf...I'm not kidding...of all 9 plants. While doing this I also saw what appeared to be small aphids along with the obligatory ants. My spray annihilated them on the spot. I had what was left of the peppers in my colander, so I went back out and dropped little bits of of hell around each plant. The spray was so hot that it burned my hand, and I'm not talking about temperature! I checked the plants this evening and saw no sign of insect life and the plants seemed to have survived my ministrations without injury. My only concern is that I avoided the buds entirely so I will have to keep a close watch for survivors. The payoff was that along with some dead leaves I decided to remove the small popcorn buds that were nearly at ground level on 3 of the plants. I removed three from each and put my oven on warm and dried those babies out enough to smoke. I have been out of weed for nearly 3 months now, so it wasn't hard to convince myself that these needed to be removed for the sake of "good air flow". Considering they are immature buds improperly cured, it is fantastic! I am pain free for the first time in weeks. Lovin' it!
fuck dude i know what its like growing and having nothing to smoke, and yeah anything will do the trick after 3 months, GREAT GROW man hope mine looks similar this year, fuck it must be nice to be able to flower in april im gonna have to move to a warm state to pursue my growing dreams ahahah best of luck,


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking much better, and I think the mites are gone. I have also made a discovery. I don't think that I was watering enough. We are in the middle of dry season and I have only been watering about every other day. Since the mites I have been watering everyday, and they look much better to me. I will post pics later.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a moisture meter so you can see how wet the plants are? Sucks about the mites but at least you caught them before it got out of hand!


Well-Known Member
The larger ones are in their 8th week, the middle plant in the 3rd pic is about 3 weeks behind the larger ones. It was a little freak with 3 cotyledons as a seedling, but it is puttering along. The small plant in that pic is a Fast Neville that I just put outside today. It is exactly 4 weeks old. I think that the larger indicas will be ready in the next couple of weeks. The sativa (1st pic center) I don't know about. Found a mature seed on it yesterday, so there is some hermie going on here somewhere... Doesn't really matter to me tho, growing it for meds anyway.


Well-Known Member
I didn't get a chance to post pics of the indica buds :( but I ended up with a total of 986 grams dry for the 7 plants. The sativas are a different matter. They are at 12 weeks and one of them has started to reveg all over the place. It had about 6 colas that had mostly red hairs and little regrowth, so I harvested those this morning. I took a few pics, but they really don't do them justice. The reason I didn't get around to taking pics of the indica buds is that I am growing mainly to make my hubby's cancer oil, so I was more concerned with that. Anyway, here is a few pics of the sativa. I will try to post more later when my camera charges.002.jpg003.jpg001.jpg
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Forgot to mention that I only harvested about 1/4 of this plant! Hubby couldn't even tell that I had taken anything off of it. I hope that it's good weed, cause there is going to be alot of it if it makes it all summer. The buds I harvested today are HEAVY. I am so proud of myself. I have finally grown a sativa! If it continues at it's present growth rate, I should get at least a couple more pounds off it, maybe more....:-P


Well-Known Member
Looks great man, congrats so far!
Thanks! I did a very "rough" trim on these, since I had heard that it is better not to trim sativas too close. I left more sugar leaf than I do with the indicas. If there are any sativa growers that could give me any advice on this I would appreciate it. Also the other buds that are still on the plant....they are putting out lots of new growth on the tops of the colas. What will happen to the mature buds on the lower part of the cola as the plant revegs? Some of these buds are HUGE, so I hate to think that they will just rot there if I leave them. Should I cut part of them off and let them grow from there instead of from the top of the big colas? This is my first sativa and I will admit that I am stumped!


Well-Known Member
you can trim tightly on a sativa, just make sure you save the sugar leafs to smoke later.. kinda like a canna tobacco


Well-Known Member
I went out with the intention of harvesting them today, but decided instead to harvest the larger buds and leave the rest to continue reveging. I filled a large laundry basket with buds. I swear I put buds in the trim box that were larger than any I grew last year. I tried to do a tight trim, but I just don't have the patience. I cut out all the fan leaves, and trimmed the sugar leaves even with the buds. I would like to get better at this, but at least it's just for hubby and I anyway. Here are pics of the plants after harvest. I will get buds pics tomorrow. I am having camera issues...as usual.001.jpg006.jpg005.jpg The first two pics are of the large sativa. You can see that it is in full reveg, and I left plenty to grow. The third pic is the other plant which I think may be a sour diesel. I will never get my seeds mixed up again! I left plenty of green on it also.
was wondering if i could get a little help. i found some plants growing in the woods behind my grandmas house and i need to know what they are. if its marijuana as much as i hate doing it, it will all have to be pulled so that they dont freak out. i did put a post about this in another thread but it doesnt seem to be as active as this one and i would greatly appreciate all the help i can get. sorry if they are a little blurry, the camera on my cell isnt the greatest and i didnt have my good camera with me. and if it helps any the plants have little white hairs growing all the way up the stem and if you look at the leaves at the right angle it looks like they have crystals all over them that you cant see in the pictures. and again any help will be greatly appreciated because i dont believe my grandmas will be to thrilled if it is marijuana and its back there. View attachment 2183325View attachment 2183326View attachment 2183327View attachment 2183328View attachment 2183329View attachment 2183330View attachment 2183331View attachment 2183332View attachment 2183333View attachment 2183334View attachment 2183335


Well-Known Member
Thought I would post an update on my revegs. The sativa is going wild, the other is making slower progress. First pic is the sativa, second is what I believe is Sour Diesel.

