Unopened Flowers or Nuts?


does a female flower ever appear unopened or it HAS to show a stigma? do female flowers grow in sets ever? I'm 10 days into flowering and they're small but im seeing round things between the branches with no white hairs. Should wait and see?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
pics or it didnt happen...wait, if it has a ball on a stem or a cluster of balls its male, if its a calyx with 2 white hairs coming out youve got a female. ive guessed wrong in the 1st few days of showing so make sure before you toss it.


pics or it didnt happen...wait, if it has a ball on a stem or a cluster of balls its male, if its a calyx with 2 white hairs coming out youve got a female. ive guessed wrong in the 1st few days of showing so make sure before you toss it.
Bet!! Ive had mostly females in the past. Guess I was just being delusional because i finally got a male again. Damn that sucks, that was my best friggin plant..


its really easier to tell if u have a female because u see a white pistil poking out around all that green