Unreliable Products

Promix hp is light on perlite...I usually add 7 - 8 gals od perlite to a bale, helps with drainage

I find it drains fine right out of the bales which is how I was using it up until the last year when I started experimenting with adding organics to it. A lot of the time I just filled pots out of the bale then watered in the plants with AN 3-part nutes. Now I'm adding 3 types of manure, EWC and some Gaia Green stuff so I might add some perlite to that kind of mix. Outside this year I mixed it with about half garden dirt in a raised bed and tossed in a 20L bag of coarse perlite. Not a lot for a 4x8x1.5' deep grow box. It's actually 16' long but I only got half of it done. The autos I'm growing aren't as big as I though they'd be so could have put at least 8 in there and 16 if I had of filled the whole box.

Nothing but open prairie for over a mile to the west so I set up a windbreak after losing 4 branches to a thunderstorm a week ago. Should be ready to crop around Sept. 11 like last year.


This is the Promix HP I got. I got a deal for ordering 8. 10 to a skid. I see at the store they still have a dozen unsold ones so will talk to the manager and see if I can get a better deal on leftovers to save them having to store them. The bales were upside down in the carport so that's why the pic looks funny. I picked up that 4cf/113L bag of perlite for $45 in the city. The smaller 20L bags were $16 each when I got the 8 bales so all stocked up with perlite for a while. Also got 65L of EWC at two places while there. Stocked up on the 3 types of manures too so have 3 or 4 bags each of Steer, Sheep and Mushroom manures. 10kg bag of Gaia Green 4-4-4 to go with the various pails of Gaia stuff.


The older ProMix looked like the one on the top but the insides looked just like the new stuff. That veg&herb mix grows great plants in veg with no added nutes but when I blended them 50:50 and added some extra perlite it did not perform well. When I added a light dose of 3-part AN they burned bad.


This is the new stuff looking into the bale.


Yeah, I switched over to Promix HP+ during COVID and while I only bought two bales, they were totally fine (I get mine at a greenhouse supply company, rather than a traditional retail outlet. Call 'em up, request what I want and pull up to the loading dock with my car.)

On the perlite, I guess if you're looking to water more often, adding some would work. As it is for me with 5g bags, I feed or water every 4 days which means I can still hand water and go away for long weekends if needed. If I didn't have stuff like that to do, I might add some extra and knock that back to every other day or every 3 days.
Ya I water every couple days in veg...almost everyday to every other day in flower. I run a sealed room with 2 ton minisplit and co2...mostly 3 and 5 gal fabric pots.
Vivosun fans are trash, specifically those pole clip oscillators. I bought two, took one apart to fix the other, which also eventually started squealing and the motor burned out.

I got an 8" VivoSun inline fan over a year ago that's still in the box while I wait for the 6" no-name one to pack it in but it's still running OK. When I ordered the fan from Amazon . ca I also ordered a plastic 6-8" adapter only to find out the fan outlet is only 7 5/8" outside diameter so will have to wrap it to get the adapter to fit properly. Not a huge deal but WTF! Built in speed controller so that was nice and half the price of the 8" Vortex S series I wanted that has no speed control but is one sexay fan.

