Unstable PH Problem

I am currently using the Rainforest 36 Aeroponics set up. It is the smaller one but the new version. My tap water has perfect PH but now that I am in bloom my nute recipe makes my rez water very acidic. So I added a little bit of baking soda then tested again and it was back to a healthy PH. But then after being in use for only a few hours the PH raises to 8 of higher!! So I added lemon juice until it was back down. But then it shot back up again. I can't seem to get it to stabilize! My plants are still very healthy and growing well but I want the PH to settle down. My rez is only filled with about 2 gallons of water right now so the root tips are all that is in the water. Any suggestions? This is my first time using Aeroponics I've only grown soil before so I am learning the art of the aero...which by the way if there is anyone in doubt...aero is the shit! Explosive growth all the time.


Active Member
The only thing I can tell you is larger rez = more stability. I know this does not help a lot with your set up but when you upgrade and you will keep that in mind. Small reservoir fluctuate rapidly


Well-Known Member
I run 20 gallon minimum for this very reason. Also - invest $20 in a bottle of PH up and down.
Its buffered, more stable, and much more accurate.


Well-Known Member
I run 20 gallon minimum for this very reason. Also - invest $20 in a bottle of PH up and down.
Its buffered, more stable, and much more accurate.
True, true :weed: I think this guy nailed it perfectly...I have used a 25 gallon aero set up and wow it rocked. The worst days maybe a .6 ph flux at most.. The only down side is you use a bit more of the nutes, so budget accordingly.. I am always amazed how well and fast aero plants grow... Good luck man and truly invest in some ph up and down..General hydrponics makes some good stuff that way...

Thanks a lot for the responses! I have decided the rez size is for sure the problem! I think I am going to get a good flowering aero set up and then use my current system as a veg/early flower system, that way I can be vegging in a nice set up and flowering in a different one for a frequent crop. That being said I am pretty broke until my harvest since I spent a lot of cash to get started. I am not a do it yourselfer! I would like to be but for most things I just dont have the tools or the know-how to craft a decent aero system, so pleaze spare me the "do it yourself anwser" (I know I'm lame and need to get with the program) So what is a good aero system to flower with then? I probably will be flowering about 6 plants at a time, since that's all my current system can hold. And my budget is slim but any reccomendations a good system with a decent rez size? Also I am using the Flora nutes that came with my system...anyone know how this compare to say FOX farm?
Thanks again for helping out the NOOB


Well-Known Member
I have used a 45 gallon tote...By the time you set it up, it's a 25 gallon res... If you got that kind of room thats what I would do...


Active Member
...My rez is only filled with about 2 gallons of water right now so the root tips are all that is in the water. Any suggestions? ...
You're not supposed to run the Vortex Sprayer with less than about 10 gallons in the reservoir, so I hope you're talking about it not being on. If you are running it with 2 gallons in, I'm surprised it hasn't vibrated itself apart yet... Or burnt out the motor...

On the other hand, if it's running OK like that, I'm putting that down in my notebook for future reference. :bigjoint:

And what Milowerx said about larger = more stable for pH. You'll be chasing that meter all day with only 2 gallons.