

Well-Known Member
i'm not sure where a question like this belongs so i'm going to put it here. mods please move if appropriate.

Recently i was having a chat to my nephew who is 15 years old. We are fairly tight with each other and he knows that i smoke a bit of pot. he told me that he smokes weed about twice a month, as you can imagine my response wasn't harsh but it wasn't positive. i told him that pot in general is bad for a developing mind and that he should probably refrain until he finishes high school, however i concluded that seeing as he is a fairly infrequent patron of the fine herb that it probably isn't doing too much damage. what do some of the more experienced smokers out there think? (i'm only 22 and don't have any kids so i have no real experience although i did smoke when i was his age)

input greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
if he ends up smoking ALL DAY, EVERY DAY he will become a very stupid version of the person he used to be. now it will not be overnite, but it will not take a very long time either


Well-Known Member
You know what to do! Teach him what you know. Education is essential. Teach him to respect the herb. "Too much of ANYTHING can make you an addict." - Xzibit


Well-Known Member
Let him be,he will smoke himself shitless for a few years "like we all did" then even out.Lecturing him about numbing his fragile little mind is only going to make it look more fun.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
always told mine that i'd rather them smoke weed till it comes out there earss as opposed to drinking. everybodies got there "thing"....i think weed is a much better choice than alcohol or pills.


Well-Known Member
Age doesn't make anyone smarter . . . it's what you learn along the way that determines whether one is an idiot or a wise adult.


Well-Known Member
maybe i should have just said to not let him smoke himself stupid. my cuzin used to smoke more than me.. you would be talking to him, 1minit later he would have no fuckin clue what we were talking about.


Well-Known Member
maybe i should have just said to not let him smoke himself stupid. my cuzin used to smoke more than me.. you would be talking to him, 1minit later he would have no fuckin clue what we were talking about.
is your cuzin kind of slow anyway? everyone i know who gets like that after smoking was pretty much like that before getting high.


Well-Known Member
Here is my experiance:mrgreen:
Keep business and pleasure separated!
Ahh f!@# it, I break that rule all the time:evil: So it's basically a slippery road for me and age has told me what to watch out for:twisted:
I think it is somewhat more important with a undeveloped mind, especially when you haven't figured out yet what to do whit your life, pot can make you rather passive, not stupid but very forgetful with in theshort term. It'll come back after even a short break (trust me) but that may be too late when you are in the middle of very important decisions in your life i.e. career etc.

So long story short, do drugs when you don't need them only:mrgreen: After you grow up, that is:twisted:



Well-Known Member
maybe i should have just said to not let him smoke himself stupid. my cuzin used to smoke more than me.. you would be talking to him, 1minit later he would have no fuckin clue what we were talking about.
Hey, that happens to me all the time :mrgreen: but usually I'm not the only one it happens to, so I do not feel too bad :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah these are the things i thought too, i told him not to overdo it and that if he has any major problems he can come have a chat to me. he's a cool guy, quite smart, i have faith that he won't fuck it up.