Unusual spontaneous first grow


New Member
A month and a half ago, I received my medical marijuana license which allows me to cultivate a 60 day supply. I got very excited and germinated a bag seed, on a whim. At this point, I knew NOTHING about Marijuana growing besides how to germinate a seed. Once it germinated, I put it in a small pot with dirt from my apt. garden, and put it in the very poorly lit windowsill. Before everyone goes off calling me stupid and telling to research, the only reason I planted the bagseed was to have a supplemental hands on plant to work with while I researched. Anyway, I left the plant in the windowsill and it received only a little bit of indirect light during the day, and about an hour of direct light when the sun was in the right position. I was really busy with school at this point, so I didnt have a lot of time to work for $$$, or time to research. It grew VERY slowly over the course of a month. After a month, it was about 6 inches tall with very small sets of leaves under the top leaves which I estimated to be an inch or two. Here is when I started getting serious. I started the work week on a monday and also began my research. I decided on CFLs for financial reasons. Still having no money, I decided to hijack a soft white CFL (later learned I should use daylight) from my bathroom light fixture and dangle it over the plant. Throughout my research I eventually realized that I was lacking the proper amount of light, a grow box, nutrients, and SO many other crucial factors. I managed to scrape together 10 bucks before my paycheck and I bought an emergency blanket and a rubbermaid. I lined the rubbermade and dangled the light over the plant in there while I kept working and researching. I get paid every other week so my advancements had to stop at that point. During that time, the plant grew at least an inch and the lower leaves were starting to develop. The stalk grew thicker and there were obvious signs of growth. Fast forward to my paycheck :) I steal an old portable closet from my girlfriends attic, tear off the frame, and line the outside with a black and white poly film. The tent is about 2 feet deep, 3 feet wide and 5 feet tall and the panda film makes it pretty darn lightproof. I rigged a multi layer door to prevent light from escaping, although I want to invest in a light proof zipper before flowering. I also took the time to order seeds, so now this bag seed plant is nothing but an experiment. I bought a 4 pack of 26W Daylight CFLs, a y splitter socket, a reflector, and another single socket AC cable. I rigged the y socket into the reflector, and hung it up on the hanger rack of the closet. I then dangled another 26W daylight to the right of the plant, and placed a 26W Soft white on a modified lamp to the left of the plant, giving me a little over 100 Watts of close range CFL power. No ventilation in the tent yet, but I have an oscillating fan placed inside that is blowing on the plant and it seems to be regulating the temperature. I also bought some cheap miracle gro that had a pretty suitable NPK for veg. It has been 4 days since I first fed the plant and placed it in a proper environment and the growth is rapid!
Okay, now a few questions.
Firstly, is there hope for this plant to be sexed and flowered because of its initially stunted growth? Ive noticed that its not very bushy and all and looks more like a tree than a bush lol.
Secondly, am I being a total idiot by not having a designated intake and outtake for the tent? It seems like the oscillating fan is moving the air enough so that it is escaping through the overlaps in the door and such.
Currently, the plant is about 8 inches and starting to sort of grow outwards. As of Monday it has been on a strict 20/4 light schedule, and basically no light schedule before that. When would be a good time to start flowering this experiment so I can see its sex? I want to know if its a male or a female before I begin growth on my feminized seeds that should be arriving soon. In regards to flowering this learning plant, I am not interested in yield or quality or size, I just want the experience of growth before I start doing it with good genetics.
Another flowering question; should I really spend time to completely light proof the tent with a proper door before flowering or is it not a big deal (remember Im not concerned with yield or quality). My makeshift door does a really good job, and the only visible light that escapes is an occasional tiny streak from one corner of the door.
Sorry if I overloaded you all with questions, but Im a curious guy. THANKS


Well-Known Member
Man how can u be able to think that anyone round this forum will read all the txt u typed!! just opened the thread wad blinded by how long is it... ask clear and short questions, pictures will avoid you lines of description, give always complete info (medium,pH,Temp,Humidity,Light,Grow Space,Strain...) and we guys here gonna try to provide u the best advice or opinion we can come with! Good Luck and Happy 420! and WELCOME TO RIU!!


New Member
You're right haha! Basically, I have a bagseed plant that didnt have nearly enough light for over a month. Over the past week it was put in a pretty proper DIY grow tent but the only thing it lacks is fans. Its been growing rapidly since then.
Does the plant still have a chance?
Is an oscillating fan inside the tent enough to do the job?
When should I start flowering if I dont care about yield and I just want to know whether its a male or female before planting feminized seeds in the same tent.
Will small leaks of light in the tent be really really bad? image.jpgimage-1.jpg