Up-Side down??????


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking that one of those up-side down tomato things that they sell in K-mart might work for MJ? just an idea


Active Member
ive been thinking that one of those up-side down tomato things that they sell in K-mart might work for MJ? just an idea
it's been asked too many times in these forums. It will not work. The plant will always turn and grow up instead of down.... genetics.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I grow tomatoes in mine, maybe if you built an upside down grow room and put the light on the floor it will work!! LOL just grow in pots, and leave the topsy turvy for tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
really thats interesting........ i always thought they grow twards the light how is it that the spinning hydro contraptions work.....

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
the question is WHY grow upside down ?????
The reason it is good for tomatoes is that the planter heats up in the sun and the roots love that shit...... Well acording to the box! LOL but I couldn't see growing weed in there. There are so many great ways to grow now and get some great weed why try to reinvent the wheel.


Though in theory, if you were to LST the apical meristem to keep it pointing down, couldn't you potentially have a really branchy plant since the axilliary nodes would be above all the auxin? I guess it would be more of a tinker project than an actual grow technique, but I'd think it might be kind of fun if you played with it a bit...


Well-Known Member
LoL I would be interested in seeing someone grow in those :) i'm always wondering will that grow MJ ? when a new method presents itself:)