Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy could be a pound or so...OK maybe 14 oz, Lets hope for the pound tho! Lol

Wait a sec I've seen your sativica set up. I;m betting alot more


New Member
Pressed for time... Quick copy and paste from the journal
I think its working. Muahaha. I have figured out my airstone problem and moved past it. The ladies are in full flower finally. Seemed like they took forever to get there but the pistils seem to double everynight. But I'm making myself anxious talkin about it so onto the pics

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00668.jpg

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00669.jpg

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00670.jpg

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00673.jpg

And the three leafed mutant:
http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00676.jpg

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00674.jpg
Enjoy! Comments always welcomed! Still kinda empty feelin in here. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Jeeze apparently all dragonsmoke had to do was ask for some pics and now look at all the replies lol
so today i found a horrible problem one of the buds on my haze had bud rot! so i got rid of it and made sure there were no more like it and hopefully its all good now. i really wish i wouldve kept a male around for breeding with that lavender its so small and easy to hide i wish i had about 20 of em! im really amazed that the buds are actually dark purple not just the leaves, it also seems like its some sort of deep chunk hybrid its got few calyxs and alot of smaller leaf in the bud super coated though! i cant wait till next grow i need to get my hands on some real beans. ive always wanted to do an auto flower hybrid ; ) .