Update - 2 Weeks into Flowering


Hey All!

So earlier I was having so many problems with nutes, I had to switch because I tried everything else but nothing helped
(See this thread for more info: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/577678-what-wrong-my-leafs-thanks.html :))

Now, I switched to AN, now I don't know if AN is the best or anything, I just know it is way better that the crap that comes with Stealth Hydro

Here is an update, 2 weeks into flowering. The AK is growing tall and stalky, and is a little behind. The OG is growing very nice! The last pic is of the AK, but at 1.5 week in.

Am currently battaling a little bit of root rot. Grabbed some aquashield, will try Sensizym or Growzym if doesnt fix soon.


Well-Known Member
mornin' man, it's always good seeing new growers learnin' their chops, and that's what you're doin' man, you're becomin' a kultivator!


beware! ...growing is HIGHLY addictive!