UPDATE 3 WEEKS 12/12 Begining of my BUD PORN


Active Member

I feed heavy nitrogen through the entire grow instead of just focusing on bloom food. My feed ratio at your stage was 60% bloom to 40% grow following whatever the bottle said for mature flowering and vegetative growing. I always stayed on the edge of over feeding by watching how I scorched the leaf tips and backed off just a little. I did a 3 feeds to one water and added Molasses at week 5 on to all feeds.

Keep an eye on the bearclaw leaves to see if they show any new signs, but try not to do anything unless it gets much worse. At that point, post a pic of just the claw leaf on a new thread and see what feedback we can get.

I agree, looks like a Indica dominant strain with the fat leaves. Keep up the good work man.
Some one suggested the bear claw could be due to being Rootbound, what do you think about that suggestion? they are in under 3 gallons of soil.

I will definitely look into some more nitrogen on my feedings.

Im using Vigor BLOOM.. with an NPK of 15-30-15, gave one feeding two days ago, and since then, ive seen pistols popping EVERY WHERE. I woke up this morning and checked my marijuana box, to make sure i closed my weed bag, because my room just smelt so dank, but it was the trees! lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont know. There are always going to be the RIU fights about MG soil, push or pull in line fans, flushing nutes, clipping fan leaves...list goes on and on. Each grower is going to make the most of what they have or really f-it up listening to others that don't have the same equipment, strain, or experience.

I stick to the basics and try, try, try, not to make any drastic changes. Plants need very little to be happy and produce lots of buds. Most over think the whole process. Thatboy offered his time and opinion, that deserves thanks and that's all. If you choose to use the info is up to you, the grower. Debating it just gets folks all hot under the collar, ya know.


New Member
I use mg nutes...veg and bloom nutes...used to use mg soil...I did well but had issues...I'm not anti mg...u just have to b on ur toes when u use it...its tricky...it feeds the plant things it doesn't need at the wrong times..


Active Member
Ive told him numerous times, I do appreciate his oppinions.

Bust just as he doesnt want to be told his lights are too far from his plants, I dont feel I need to fix my soil. Im comfortable with it, and its working for me. I had a nutrient issue two weeks ago, but it was a deficiency so my MG NPK ratio is fine for these bagseeds.

I do how ever the question about what do you think caused the bear claw, if it could be that rootbound suggestion that was made earlier? have either of you hear rootbound causes bear claw?? I never have untill that one.

And if you think its more indica.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i'm not anti MG either. My gardening books recommend removing as many variables as possible when gardening so you can be consistant with every grow. Some MG soils have nutes added that release slowly. This is an added variable that makes it hard to control feeding levels because the grower is no longer in control, the time released soil is in control.

When they say "hot" what they really saying is, everytime you water you are feeding because the water activate the slow release incapsulated nutes in the soil. So too much watering = overfeeding and suffocation, too little watering = starving and dry out. Complicated isn't it? But it doesn't have to be. Remove the variables.

By using basic soil with no amendments, you the grower make all the decisions and can monitor the results.

Some one suggested the bear claw could be due to being Rootbound, what do you think about that suggestion? they are in under 3 gallons of soil.

I will definitely look into some more nitrogen on my feedings.

Im using Vigor BLOOM.. with an NPK of 15-30-15, gave one feeding two days ago, and since then, ive seen pistols popping EVERY WHERE. I woke up this morning and checked my marijuana box, to make sure i closed my weed bag, because my room just smelt so dank, but it was the trees! lol.
Yeah, the smell will just get heavier and heavier up until the last five days, then you will really get the fragrance.

15-30-15 ... your N is basically cut in half and you will start to see yellowing of the leaves soon. Had I better organic soil I would not have struggled keeping my fan leaves green in flowering. I was constantly bumping up the N in feedings to compensate. Doesn't mean you will have same problem, depends on how the MG soil holds up.

At 5 weeks flower, root bound does not matter. You plant is now focused on flowering. Don't mess with the roots now, that will just slow the focus of what matters most, bud development. Next time, during veg and early flowering you can transplant to bigger pots or in your case make sure you add more soil and aerate. There's nothing wrong with 3 gal containers. I used them effectively and I had roots out the bottom by 3 weeks flowering.


Well-Known Member
I do how ever the question about what do you think caused the bear claw, if it could be that rootbound suggestion that was made earlier? have either of you hear rootbound causes bear claw?? I never have untill that one.

And if you think its more indica.
I don't think it's that bad. Looks like just a little over watering or nute burn. Again, hard to say without just guessing. Doubt you are over watering because by now you should know what a dry and wet bucket feels like, right? Maybe when adding your nutes more often you are getting the soil wetter than before so the plant is showing signs of over watering? I mean, I went from watering every 5-7 days in veg to feeding and watering every 2-3 days at 5 week flower. I just made sure the plants really dried out before watering by lifting the bucket, they were light, nothing but roots!

Blue and pink containers with the fat leaves look like my Indica / sativa hybrids. They were Indica dominant and had the same fat leaves. They stayed short and bushy.


Active Member
I don't think it's that bad. Looks like just a little over watering or nute burn. Again, hard to say without just guessing. Doubt you are over watering because by now you should know what a dry and wet bucket feels like, right? Maybe when adding your nutes more often you are getting the soil wetter than before so the plant is showing signs of over watering? I mean, I went from watering every 5-7 days in veg to feeding and watering every 2-3 days at 5 week flower. I just made sure the plants really dried out before watering by lifting the bucket, they were light, nothing but roots!

Blue and pink containers with the fat leaves look like my Indica / sativa hybrids. They were Indica dominant and had the same fat leaves. They stayed short and bushy.
Im pretty confident I'm doing decent with the watering, but I will admit the last 2 or 3 waterings, I did put a bit more water in... I guess that could cause it...? i wait 3-4 days between waterings, and wait for a sign of underwatering before i give water so i KNOW i dont water to often. But I suppose it could be to large of a quantity.


Well-Known Member
Because I was feeding so much towards the last three weeks to keep up with my hungry strains, I was watering a lot too. I watered slower and used about 1/3 less to keep the soil from getting over saturated. It worked for me and still allowed me to feed more frequently. They were beasts and wanted food daily but had to wait, like my kids... FEED ME! ;-)

Oh, and don't take this out of context. I didn't feed my plants everyday! Kids, yes!


Well-Known Member
Yours are nice a green. You amended the soil before, so you will probably have to do it again.

Otherwise, just try not to kill them. You're in the home stretch.


New Member
Big bull here's the best advice ull ever get..priceless actually..go to you tube n find "subcools school of dank"...watch it beginning to end...u will learn a lot....make sure u find beginning to end


Well-Known Member
I didnt do anything to the soil in the past, just pissed in my water. :) lol
Yeah, I heard there was a piss thread going around the forum, never caught it. You must be a BIG believer in the fact that you cannot add flavor enhancers to the water to affect the flavor of the buds. :weed:


Active Member
Yeah, I heard there was a piss thread going around the forum, never caught it. You must be a BIG believer in the fact that you cannot add flavor enhancers to the water to affect the flavor of the buds. :weed:

Think about the shit people put in their soil...

Bat shit... Manure....

I dont do organics, you do, you know what they put in their dirt...

Why would you put bat shit in your dirt, but not purified water, that came from your own body?

Think about it? What does your liver and bladder do? Cleanses the fluids through your body...

If you drink sufficient water, your urine should be, water without as MANY minerals. .... Cleaner than bat shit....

The way I read to add flavor to the buds, is to drip the flavoring extract into water, mix it, and during your last watering MIST the flavored water onto the buds.

As the buds go into their DRYING, they drink up the water, and the flavor is trapped into the buds.

And i didnt piss on them for no reason....lol... I had a nitrogen deficiency, and urin is high in nitrogen, so I diluted my urine and watered the plants.