Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week


Well-Known Member
Its really strange. Im not sure if its some kinda nute deficiency or what. My old leafs turn yellow and stay that way for atleast 3 or 4 days. New growth comes in to replace it and is a nice healthy green. I think its normal so Im not worried about it at all.
yea i have a habit of choppin off my fans leaves to get light to lower buds before they go yellow....when my tips get burnt like that i just give them fresh water for a few days and they bounce back nicely....especially if it rains i collect that water and just use it NO nutes, they LOVE it.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what Ive been doing. Straight water. Finally got me some weed right now.
Shit feels good man. The cool thing is that shes never drooped on me or anything. I never cut my leaves off. I let them die and when a small tug pulls them off off they come.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what Ive been doing. Straight water. Finally got me some weed right now.
Shit feels good man. The cool thing is that shes never drooped on me or anything. I never cut my leaves off. I let them die and when a small tug pulls them off off they come.
yea i just cant help "finger fucking" them


Well-Known Member
Looking good man....I still can't believe u got that plant off 200watts that's gonna be like 10 times the size of mine....I can tell your a proud dad...Do have a picture in your wallet and show everyone at the office??!! Cant wait to see new pics

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
so it looks like it is flowering fine with cfls...i was curious about if they would still be good...good to see that ur plant is doin great with them

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
if the buds would still be good, the flowering stage if u would still get good yield with cfls...its clear you can from ur pics


Well-Known Member
Yea my main cola puts on an 1/8th -1/2 an inch a day. Sometimes more. And Im only half way through my 3rd week!


Well-Known Member
Id rather have the quality then the quantity. If it takes 1 hit to lay me on my ass Id be a happy happy boy. Today when I was messing with her the smell was so over powering. Smelt like I stepped into a Starbucks or something.


Well-Known Member
Id rather have the quality then the quantity. If it takes 1 hit to lay me on my ass Id be a happy happy boy. Today when I was messing with her the smell was so over powering. Smelt like I stepped into a Starbucks or something.
i just firgured potency was an established thing by the look of it....i love to add quanity to quality